Thursday, March 31, 2016

Day 7 & 8

As of this very second I am blasting Carly Simon, classic 1970s artist, through my headphones watching the waves crash onto the shore. I was up at 5:30 getting ready to make the 6am yoga class, which was amazing as always, thank you Dawn(most beautiful yoga instructor ever). Today, I woke up grateful that I have the opportunity to do some of my favorite things this week. Waking up to the ocean, being with my children, doing yoga at my most cherished studio, and having a few minutes to write. I'm in my hapi place. If tears are filling my eyes, they are tears of a full heart. I know what I want most in life when I'm in my hapi place.
Psalm 100 begins with: "Shout for joy to the Lord all the earth." And it ends with: "For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations." JOY, SHOUT for JOY! The earth is already rejoicing, every day it gives a huge round of applause to its creator. The sun rises, the wind moves, the trees reach up towards the sky, the grass and flowers flourish, and the birds of the air sing. As I take notice of the water glistening and washing over the sand, it soothes my body and I am more aware of how peace is ever present, that love truly exist through out the earth. I believe that love is real and nothing can separate us from it. I've watched people in love, how sweet they can be towards each other and how they have each other to hold during hard times. My parents loved each other dearly, my dad was head over heels in love with my momma. He showed me that God is real through his example. God is love and like a blanket his love covers us, making us feel warm and little kids under the sheets at night imagining the covers will protect us from any danger existing outside of them. My safe and hapi place has grown beyond the sheets, the covers, the blanket, whatever fort or shelter I produced as a child. I have grown to understand His love endures forever and has no boundaries, wherever I go, whatever I do, I have love. From the generations before me and the ones to come, love surpasses them all.

From treetop ropes courses to walks on the beach, swimming pools to ferris wheels, people watching to bird watching, I am content. I am learning that every second is to be taken as it is, present, aware, and grateful to experience it. I love you Lord, I'm ready.

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