Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Picture Perfect

I thoroughly enjoy watching people. I could sit/stand in a mall, parking lot, or an airport all day long just staring at people. I guess its natural, we are designed to examine each other. When I’m observing mere mortals amongst the paths I cross, I become fascinated with the characters they portray. As if judging them on their looks or the way they carry themselves is going to tell me anything. This will scratch the surface, entertaining the shallow end of life. One can have a demeanor that gives me a tiny clue to what is occurring at that moment. Their countenance may speak volumes and their personality may be quite charming(or not), yet what is the depth of their identity? How can I recognize what lies beneath? Am I attempting to gaze past appearance and search out ones soul, and if I did, will I remove a covering that I didn't realize was there. Will it bring into light someone I can relate to? If I explore his/her authenticity, will I learn of compassion and not so much self absorption? To conceive some obnoxious idea that I understand where someone is coming from is absolutely absurd. Yet, judging another by their actions is even more preposterous! Fact; I haven’t walked in their shoes, I haven’t experienced their pain, and I don’t know what they have been forgiven of.
I can only master my response, which is determined to be one of peace.
There is no perfect human because all are flawed. Every single one of us has something that shines upon our imperfections. If we strive for picture perfect, all we will find is misery. So, should we embrace one another in honesty by saying: show me your pain, your damaged goods; to discover God within us, telling us: “I will show you the way, the way to be free.“ Free from bondage, suffering, facades, anything and everything holding us back from our fullest potential. He is our picture of perfection- that gave his only son as a sacrifice, that we might LIVE, and live abundantly! I adore people watching, what more fun is there than to see His glory, His workmanship!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

A year without you.......

It has been a whole year without you, daddy. I didn't cry today, until now - when I finally had a moment to myself. I know people have been thinking of me - I felt it, thank you to those who sent beautiful thoughts my way. This past year has been difficult, I miss you more than my emotions can express. The life you lived inspired and encouraged me. Without you, I've struggled to find my own way. Now and from this moment on, I will choose to live and love fully, so that my children may experience your acceptance. Your heart will live on, the love and peace you gave so freely. I love you daddy and you will be forever remembered. I'm not letting go of you, your within my heart and I will see you shortly(yet seems like a lifetime for me). Earth is only the beginning of our journey.