Thursday, October 27, 2016

Live in the moment

This past weekend when I picked up the kids I noticed Eve's hair, there was still hair paint in it from the week before. I asked her if she bathed at all over the week, "YES MOM, I did." When we got to my house I made her jump in the shower & I helped her wash her hair. Washed out super easy, red tub made my heart melt. Yes, melt is the correct word. You see, my daughter is 10 and during the school year I only get to see her every other weekend. Those days are more precious than sleep & food to me. Washing her hair took me back to when I had the children all the time, holding them, playing with them, caring for them as only a mother can do. Helping her made me feel of importance, like I had purpose, the motherly instinct nested within me brought warmth to my soul. I love my children, being a mother is the most honorable calling I've ever known. Today, I took my youngest son to a few appointments, he is so patient with me when it comes to waiting if I I have to run an extra errand & helpful if there is something to put away or carry. I enjoy his company and his curious personality, I'm so proud of him always wanting to do the right thing & his beautiful heart. When he asked me(as we were cleaning the house & car): "What if I just stayed with you and we traveled together?" My heart leaped with joy because being with my little loves as we discover the world would be the dreamiest dessert life could offer. ❤️ I never want to forget these moments, I want to cherish how sweet my most precious gifts are, and influence them to always choose love. Thank you God, for sharing them with me & using them to motivate me to be my best.

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