Monday, October 31, 2016
Little yogis.....
My most cherished times are with them. My kids, I'm so honored to be their mother. Love is a powerful thing. When you hear the sound of children laughing, you realize how much you love being a mom. I want more, they can be mine even if adoption may be the only option. Kids deserve to be loved and laugh more. Today, I choose to remember we ALL were once little children that deserve to be loved, the kind that listens, that gives, that is innocent, full of joy, and teaches peace. -kca
Thursday, October 27, 2016
Live in the moment
This past weekend when I picked up the kids I noticed Eve's hair, there was still hair paint in it from the week before. I asked her if she bathed at all over the week, "YES MOM, I did." When we got to my house I made her jump in the shower & I helped her wash her hair. Washed out super easy, red tub made my heart melt. Yes, melt is the correct word. You see, my daughter is 10 and during the school year I only get to see her every other weekend. Those days are more precious than sleep & food to me. Washing her hair took me back to when I had the children all the time, holding them, playing with them, caring for them as only a mother can do. Helping her made me feel of importance, like I had purpose, the motherly instinct nested within me brought warmth to my soul. I love my children, being a mother is the most honorable calling I've ever known. Today, I took my youngest son to a few appointments, he is so patient with me when it comes to waiting if I I have to run an extra errand & helpful if there is something to put away or carry. I enjoy his company and his curious personality, I'm so proud of him always wanting to do the right thing & his beautiful heart. When he asked me(as we were cleaning the house & car): "What if I just stayed with you and we traveled together?" My heart leaped with joy because being with my little loves as we discover the world would be the dreamiest dessert life could offer. ❤️ I never want to forget these moments, I want to cherish how sweet my most precious gifts are, and influence them to always choose love. Thank you God, for sharing them with me & using them to motivate me to be my best.
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
It's okay if you have a bad day.....
I sit here observing my life. I'm capable of absorbing my losses and functioning as an American adult. I watch what is happening all around me, I understand I am not here to please others or keep up with them. I'm not confused or angry. I am responsible for what I have done and created in my world.
Weekly, I receive stacks of legal paperwork from my ex-husband and his lovely lawyer wife. It is not for me to judge, yet I have a feeling they are very unhappy.....seriously why else would someone pile shit loads of paperwork unto a single, broke ass, mother of four? Nothing else better to do for a hobby? Ummm, okay, guess I'll pull my monopoly money out to match this pretty letterhead. I walk through this, I am not afraid, even if I end up in jail for not being able to meet the expectations asked of me.
The pay-cut work sprung upon me and my co-workers over the past few weeks is not a big deal, we all are looking for new sources of income. The 4 current jobs I have now aren't sufficiently allowing ends to meet, a possible career change might come in handy or maybe it's time I embrace my inner hippie-beach bum! Happens to millions of corporate workers in America, no biggie, just an opportunity to become more inventive with finances. Right?
As for the people I call friends, lesson learned. Humans are sensitive and take things personal. It is forcing me to become a better, more loving person. Which means my humor must simmer down a notch or two. Saving face on those that I offend, love is choosing to see others as Christ sees us.
Dating life: dating doesn't deserve life. No time to hang from any ceiling and hardly breathe. Meeting someone worth the ride and die with hasn't been in my cards, I mean hasn't lived in the south. Not complaining, just saying....I can absorb all this, still go for a 3 mile run and squat 200 lbs.
Guess I'll just keep doing what I do best....allowing the left hemisphere of my brain stay dominant in language, I'll communicate, so writing it is! Stay grateful or it will be painful! Not every day is a bad day, but sometimes they happen.
Applications for sugar daddy position please send to....wait, too soon? Do you think this is where people don't get my humor?
Weekly, I receive stacks of legal paperwork from my ex-husband and his lovely lawyer wife. It is not for me to judge, yet I have a feeling they are very unhappy.....seriously why else would someone pile shit loads of paperwork unto a single, broke ass, mother of four? Nothing else better to do for a hobby? Ummm, okay, guess I'll pull my monopoly money out to match this pretty letterhead. I walk through this, I am not afraid, even if I end up in jail for not being able to meet the expectations asked of me.
The pay-cut work sprung upon me and my co-workers over the past few weeks is not a big deal, we all are looking for new sources of income. The 4 current jobs I have now aren't sufficiently allowing ends to meet, a possible career change might come in handy or maybe it's time I embrace my inner hippie-beach bum! Happens to millions of corporate workers in America, no biggie, just an opportunity to become more inventive with finances. Right?
As for the people I call friends, lesson learned. Humans are sensitive and take things personal. It is forcing me to become a better, more loving person. Which means my humor must simmer down a notch or two. Saving face on those that I offend, love is choosing to see others as Christ sees us.
Dating life: dating doesn't deserve life. No time to hang from any ceiling and hardly breathe. Meeting someone worth the ride and die with hasn't been in my cards, I mean hasn't lived in the south. Not complaining, just saying....I can absorb all this, still go for a 3 mile run and squat 200 lbs.
Guess I'll just keep doing what I do best....allowing the left hemisphere of my brain stay dominant in language, I'll communicate, so writing it is! Stay grateful or it will be painful! Not every day is a bad day, but sometimes they happen.
Applications for sugar daddy position please send to....wait, too soon? Do you think this is where people don't get my humor?
Monday, October 24, 2016
I am Mother
I love being a mom. It's the most rewarding feeling in the world. I cherish the moments with my children. Time is limited my friends. Use your moments wisely, don't hold back the love, laughs, or beautiful words. I always have to focus on the good because time passes too quickly and you never know when the enemy (or who he will use) will come to steal, kill, & destroy what you have. I savor these moments, I stand fast because I have been given the honor of the name Mother. Being chosen to bear life is a precious gift, not everyone experiences & understands how this feels. The second I knew my firstborn was hiding within me I rejoiced, there is no greater blessing. I choose to see my heart full, to walk in unconditional love, and utilize these short moments with my offspring as more precious than gold.
Saturday, October 22, 2016
Remember to stand tall because you are enough. You see life differently than all the other animals, your perspective is vital because you were given gifts others weren't. The outlook of life you offer to this world needs to be seen & heard, the rhythm of the heart beat within you is strong for a reason. Listen to it, feel the sensation of purpose as it sets the tone to flow love through every cell of your being. You were created, that very fact alone should be a reminder that: YOU ARE ENOUGH!
Hurricane memories....
What changes ppl, what changes the world is love. War and hate only create more war and more hate. When we exemplify and walk in love, love is all we know and attract. Today my youngest son & I were walking around and seeing all the damage Hurricane Matthew left behind. A lady that lived close by was directing traffic for hours on our street. Trees have fallen everywhere & cars couldn't see oncoming cars to get around. No one asked this woman to do this, she simply saw a need & decided to take action. My son looked at me & we were on the same wave length, she needs water! Yet, my son went beyond that & asked her if she wanted a sandwich. She did, and asked if we could make her daughter one too. We walked back to the house & made sandwiches. Later on my son & daughter went outside & moved broken branches out of the yard, without me even asking! Thank you hurricane Matthew, for bringing out the best in my children. My prayer for my children is for their hearts to always be ones that reach out a helping hand that lift others up & not push ppl down. Be the change my friends, so we can watch our children lead with love, serving & saving this world one person at a time. My children constantly challenge me to be better, to do more, reminding me so much of my dad. What grateful tune will your soul sing today?
4 Agreements
We live once, my humor is how I do life. My struggles are just temporary. My pain will pass, the judgements aren't mine to hold. My heart grows stronger as I learn to let go. I must contain gratitude & choose joy. Staying open to the limitless and not blocking miracles.....accepting people as they are. Remain impeccable with my word, always do my best, don't make assumptions, and don't take things personal. These are the four agreements I will abide by & not the lies or past I had to overcome.
We all have a beautiful capacity to embrace love & to share love. Even when we don't understand or have been treated with unkindness. Our lives reflect seasons like the trees flourish & fade. Standing firm, rooting ourselves no matter what amazing or hellacious events may occur is grounding. Choosing a perspective that seeks enlightenment and truth wether it bears positive or negative consequences does not mean we have to participate in the emotions. Am I going to summon or block the miracles in my life? The choice, and there is always a choice, is ours alone to for take. -kca
There might be one (or 20) person that you feel is against you, almost like gravity holding you down. Yet, God & the universe is FOR you! There is love...❤️feed into it, miracles can happen. Shift your thoughts, we have the power to attract or deflect miraculous miracles. The universe DOES care about you and work on your behalf. Regardless of what happens in your life, comfort & repair exist. What is wounded will be healed. You are not lacking just because your circumstances are. What is possible, lies within. -kca
Friday, October 7, 2016
I radiate acceptance.
If I want to be accepted as I am, then I need to be willing to accept others as they are. We always want to have our parents accept us totally, and yet often we are willing to accept them as they are. Acceptance is giving ourselves and others the ability to just be. It is arrogant to set standards for others. We can only set standards for ourselves. And even then we want them to be more like guidelines than standards. The more we can practice self-acceptance, the easier it is to drop habits that no longer serve us. It is easy for us to grow and change in an atmosphere of love.
-Louise L. Hay
-Louise L. Hay
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
I am you
You ask me if I'm okay, you wonder if those are real tears streaming down my face. Yes, it is what you see. Someone hurting, struggling, not able to stand this moment alone. Being crushed isn't something we desire to experience in this life, yet for growth it must occur. Having everything taken away, being told lies, and crawling to survive is what those that rose above the mire to conquer their inner fears had to do to revel in the inexpressible joy that is just beyond the walls of false freedom. I surrender, I choose to no longer resist, my heart is open & strong enough now that no matter what you say or do will not destroy who I am. I am free. I am love. I am you, once you release those chains that fill you with the need to defeat & use deceit.
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
what do you choose?
There is freedom! Don't let fear keep you from it. What people fear most is to be alive or to be themselves. Why dishonor yourself to please others? We already live in hell, the hell we've created & the one our fathers built before us. Don't let your beliefs control your life. You believe you hate someone or your job have such a power to change that. Creating your reality starts with intention, it births within us when we allow ourselves to let go of the former laws we feel safe in & choose to be open.
Why judge me, when you can love me....
The water is warm tonight. I may not be much for a romantic lover, yet I have so much love within me. When the energy hits me, it's as if I can fly. I am consumed by love. Nothing in me is less. I can't help yet to wash over you like a wave, I crave your presence. I will always love you, accept you, forgive you, and run to you. I am yours. I dip my toes in, yet you cover me, soaking me with your kindness that melts my soul tempting me to step deeper within these waters. I love you, and it might be that I don't even know you, yet I am completely consumed by you. Take me. It may be the desire within me seeks community, or some form of a family. The fact is I'm here, it's not what most may see as the ideal dream, yet it's my dream. To be love, to give love, to heal, to break past the social barriers and embrace what could be.
You melt me...
Is there anything that makes you melt? Sends goosebumps all over your body. As soon as you catch a glimpse of this object of affection you instantly feel peace. It overwhelms you with love, a comfort you know not to take for granted because this glory before your eyes stimulates you to the core. You have no desire to dominate this creature or guide it under your control due to the fact that your soul surrenders in the very presence of this beauty. You watch, you wait, you savor the moments. Tingling rushes over you, then it touches you releasing every stress and you feel a freedom to open your heart as if it never had boundaries in the first place! You are limitless as the sun shines upon your face, the very warmth of its rays wakes something inside you that was within you from the beginning. You belong.
Friends, this is my love affair with the ocean, I want to be washed, refreshed, renewed every day.
Friends, this is my love affair with the ocean, I want to be washed, refreshed, renewed every day.

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