Wednesday, December 10, 2014
'30 Thoughts from a Christian Yogi' BOOK!
Very excited to offer this as I close out 2014. Will be available for purchase next week (or the week after) on-line if you want to give the gift of insight and beautiful yoga pictures this season. I will post the link as soon as it's available. Thank you for your support and love! Hapi holidays!
Saturday, December 6, 2014
Be like water
Drama, in the dictionary is defined as any situation or series of events having vivd, emotional, conflicting, or striking interest or results. Do you have any hint of drama in your life?
Unfortunately drama occurs, sometimes it can be avoided, other times it cannot. I was visiting with a friend the other day and I explained about someone in my life that caused constant drama, he then told me: "Be like water, Kara." He was quoting Bruce Lee. Sometimes no reaction is the best reaction. I'm so thankful for friends that remind you to keep the peace during the storms of life. I'm far from perfect, my human nature tends to unleash at times especially when something is close to my heart. I must choose to be water when others are attacking, cruel, or projecting their pain unto me. Jesus was water. He didn't over react, he didn't strike back with drama, he chose love. Be like water, let it flow.
How can you be the rock and water? I'll save that for another day……
Unfortunately drama occurs, sometimes it can be avoided, other times it cannot. I was visiting with a friend the other day and I explained about someone in my life that caused constant drama, he then told me: "Be like water, Kara." He was quoting Bruce Lee. Sometimes no reaction is the best reaction. I'm so thankful for friends that remind you to keep the peace during the storms of life. I'm far from perfect, my human nature tends to unleash at times especially when something is close to my heart. I must choose to be water when others are attacking, cruel, or projecting their pain unto me. Jesus was water. He didn't over react, he didn't strike back with drama, he chose love. Be like water, let it flow.
How can you be the rock and water? I'll save that for another day……
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Thanksgiving 2014
Everything happens the way it does, in and out of season for such a time as this, and God knows exactly how it will all play out. He knows our hearts, more than we do, more than we will ever understand.
Today I'm celebrating Thanksgiving with a sweet friend at the beach by helping with their annual feast for the homeless. I'm thankful for the opportunity and companionship.
As I stopped to get gas on the way out of town, I didn't have much money. I went in to pay the cashier and something in my heart spoke so clear and loudly I couldn't ignore what was being said. "Kara, give her $20." My first thought was; "that's all I have." My second thought was; "why is she working on Thanksgiving?" I honestly don't comprehend some of the things that God ask me to do at times, yet I'm not looking at the bigger picture, when he is. The extra money I had was in the car. I went to pump the gas and as I stood there, I questioned myself. I asked "am I really hearing God's voice right now or am I just feeling compassion towards this woman?" Either way, I was doubting by focusing on my own problems. Then as I was putting the cap back on to my gas tank the cashier came outside for a smoke break. I knew that was God's way of telling me: "YES! It's me- God!"
I reached into my car, grabbed the money, walked over to her and said "sometimes we don't understand why God tells us to do certain things. This isn't much, but Hapi Thanksgiving."
One of God's names is pronounced Jehovah Jirah, meaning "the God who provides." There are times we just need to accept the peace in not seeing the finished picture, learning to be content with just being a piece of the puzzle. In Genesis we find Abram who had no idea where he was going, all he knew was that God told him to "Go." He is speaking to you, trust him, and go or do whatever it is he's asking of you.
Perhaps, we can all be more compassionate and give to an organization in need like: the WaNgui project @ by donating $1-10 (today)! Imagine if 500 people gave $5 each, how we could impact the world! This is a great opportunity to help fight against female genital cutting. There are endless possibilities when it comes to giving. Give life, give love, give joy, give peace, give grace, give hope, give when you hurt the most, so that you can be the change that you want to see in the world.
Today I'm celebrating Thanksgiving with a sweet friend at the beach by helping with their annual feast for the homeless. I'm thankful for the opportunity and companionship.
As I stopped to get gas on the way out of town, I didn't have much money. I went in to pay the cashier and something in my heart spoke so clear and loudly I couldn't ignore what was being said. "Kara, give her $20." My first thought was; "that's all I have." My second thought was; "why is she working on Thanksgiving?" I honestly don't comprehend some of the things that God ask me to do at times, yet I'm not looking at the bigger picture, when he is. The extra money I had was in the car. I went to pump the gas and as I stood there, I questioned myself. I asked "am I really hearing God's voice right now or am I just feeling compassion towards this woman?" Either way, I was doubting by focusing on my own problems. Then as I was putting the cap back on to my gas tank the cashier came outside for a smoke break. I knew that was God's way of telling me: "YES! It's me- God!"
I reached into my car, grabbed the money, walked over to her and said "sometimes we don't understand why God tells us to do certain things. This isn't much, but Hapi Thanksgiving."
One of God's names is pronounced Jehovah Jirah, meaning "the God who provides." There are times we just need to accept the peace in not seeing the finished picture, learning to be content with just being a piece of the puzzle. In Genesis we find Abram who had no idea where he was going, all he knew was that God told him to "Go." He is speaking to you, trust him, and go or do whatever it is he's asking of you.
Perhaps, we can all be more compassionate and give to an organization in need like: the WaNgui project @ by donating $1-10 (today)! Imagine if 500 people gave $5 each, how we could impact the world! This is a great opportunity to help fight against female genital cutting. There are endless possibilities when it comes to giving. Give life, give love, give joy, give peace, give grace, give hope, give when you hurt the most, so that you can be the change that you want to see in the world.
Sunday, November 2, 2014
3 days…..
3 days have passed, I am done with this fast
i will no longer be silent, nor shall i endorse your violence
3 days i wept, from the secrets you kept
now i see a new dawn, no longer being held captive by your wand
3 days i laid, not getting paid
i am slowly waking up, shedding off this God awful drinking cup
3 days i prayed, begging for the pain to be taken away
i've discovered life's view, it's nothing you said was true
3 days is all it took, to create this power hook
i will not die, from all your lies
3 days to come, you appear as scum
i am not afraid, nor shall i be swayed
3 days will pass, you will kiss my ass
i'm here right now and will take my bow
i will no longer be silent, nor shall i endorse your violence
3 days i wept, from the secrets you kept
now i see a new dawn, no longer being held captive by your wand
3 days i laid, not getting paid
i am slowly waking up, shedding off this God awful drinking cup
3 days i prayed, begging for the pain to be taken away
i've discovered life's view, it's nothing you said was true
3 days is all it took, to create this power hook
i will not die, from all your lies
3 days to come, you appear as scum
i am not afraid, nor shall i be swayed
3 days will pass, you will kiss my ass
i'm here right now and will take my bow
Monday, October 13, 2014
sometimes i cuss, sometimes i do yoga
People are disturbed not by things, but by the VIEW they take on them. ~ Epictetus(Greek Stoic Philosopher)
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Worst day of my life….
The worst day of my life, you might imagine me stating a death or loss, perhaps the day my father died or the day I was in a horrible accident, totaled my car (looking at the car you'd think the person driving was dead). Yet, those days can not compare to the worst day of my life. This day was supposed to be a day of celebration, a day of love and union, but it was a day that left me completely grief stricken. October 2, 1999, it was the day I got married. Yes, you finally figured out why weddings absolutely disgust me and why I can't stand to attend them. My wedding day left such a wretched taste in my life that it literally made me sick to even think about going to one. They all just seemed so fake, full of lies, as if people were dressing up, painting a happy-face-mask on, disguising marriage as a beautiful life event. When in all reality, it was a pit full of venomous snakes. I had no idea at the young age of 23 what I was getting into. Looking back, I've discovered how I've learned the most valuable lessons a girl/woman could acquire. You know the drill, I save the best for last, you have to wait until the end for the dramatic life lesson. Don't skip through anything, trust me, you'll want all the gooey details. Shall I continue now?
Prince charming, was not so charming and had the temper of a hangry(hungry plus angry= hangry) two year old. He was cruel, abusive with his words and when things went bad, he saw red and forgot anything he said or did. I will leave it at that, because I am not one to lash out or for that matter take a lashing. I'll leave it with your imagination of how bad the fights got. This wasn't the first time for me, I grew up with harsh words and thought it was perfectly normal to be spoken to in such a way. Someone attempting to control you, that host so much anger in their heart, sucks- BIG time. Obviously, the pain inside them is too much to bear that they feel they have to project it unto you. I knew where their pain stemmed from so, I tolerated it. I allowed the 'putting me in my place' mentality to carry on for years.
When I finally decided to leave and start a new life (single-hood), people came out of the woods telling me things about him(where he went, what he did) confirming my decision was best that I left. The thing that baffles me is: WHY didn't they tell me when it was going on years prior? Why is it, when people find out or know something about your significant other, like what they are doing (that has the potential to ruin or heal the relationship) and STILL keep it to themselves or gossip to everyone else in town about it? My theory: if you're NOT speaking the truth (in love), you're not a true friend and you really don't care for the person. Truth is the best medicine, yet every one's truth is their own perceived reality. Basically, we are all screwed. LOL.
Seriously, he wasn't my prince charming because he was made to be prince charming for someone else. We never gelled, no matter what, we were mismatched from the get go. His talents and gifts were not compatible with mine. He's not the bad guy, I'm not either, we are just from two different countries when it comes to logic and the realities of our thinking. His world was developed from what he went through from birth until now, mine as well. I learned so much from our battle field, you read that right, it wasn't a training ground, their was blood shed.
What was attained? Compassion, though it may look obscured. Grace, to understand we all are flawed and need each other to embrace our variations. Hope, that somehow optimism will always far out weigh pessimism. And, most essential: LOVE. Love, the strongest, most powerfully positive emotion of regard and affection. It requires more than pleasure, it is full of devotion. How can this be, shouldn't I be bitter and walk around with a stench face? Certainly I could claim that I have the right to hate weddings and be bold enough to make it my life motto that weddings suck and love doesn't really exist. The fact is, love does exist. God is love, which is unconditional. Humans fail where he doesn't, we make it about survival and put limits on love. Weddings were not made to be some theatrical show, they are a symbol of marriage. Marriage, when two join as one, is a soul connection. I've determined that when a marriage is right, it's absolutely stunning and will take your breath away(in the best way). A commitment so deep its in your bones, part of your essence. Personally, it scares the shit out of me. I'm just being honest, its all I know, apologies to all you uptight, righteous folk reading my crazy ass blog. Here's something funny, I actually enjoy some weddings now. Shocker, lookout world!
Lastly, yet most vital, the four various birth control methods that didn't sustain during wedlock…..left me with the most beautiful, captivating fact that the worst day of my life led me to the most treasured, precious four gifts of my life. My cup is full, through the ups and downs, this journey has hosted me with the highest degree of intense joy anyone could ask for…..motherhood. I am blessed, and would choose to relive my worst day all over again to experience the four delights of my being. Sometimes suffering brings awareness of our greatest accomplishments. Watching them venture out and feel exuberance, seeing them get their happy on is pure, genuine bliss!
Be raw, be real, be love, be light, be peace, be hype, be free, just BE!
Signing off for now,
Prince charming, was not so charming and had the temper of a hangry(hungry plus angry= hangry) two year old. He was cruel, abusive with his words and when things went bad, he saw red and forgot anything he said or did. I will leave it at that, because I am not one to lash out or for that matter take a lashing. I'll leave it with your imagination of how bad the fights got. This wasn't the first time for me, I grew up with harsh words and thought it was perfectly normal to be spoken to in such a way. Someone attempting to control you, that host so much anger in their heart, sucks- BIG time. Obviously, the pain inside them is too much to bear that they feel they have to project it unto you. I knew where their pain stemmed from so, I tolerated it. I allowed the 'putting me in my place' mentality to carry on for years.
When I finally decided to leave and start a new life (single-hood), people came out of the woods telling me things about him(where he went, what he did) confirming my decision was best that I left. The thing that baffles me is: WHY didn't they tell me when it was going on years prior? Why is it, when people find out or know something about your significant other, like what they are doing (that has the potential to ruin or heal the relationship) and STILL keep it to themselves or gossip to everyone else in town about it? My theory: if you're NOT speaking the truth (in love), you're not a true friend and you really don't care for the person. Truth is the best medicine, yet every one's truth is their own perceived reality. Basically, we are all screwed. LOL.
Seriously, he wasn't my prince charming because he was made to be prince charming for someone else. We never gelled, no matter what, we were mismatched from the get go. His talents and gifts were not compatible with mine. He's not the bad guy, I'm not either, we are just from two different countries when it comes to logic and the realities of our thinking. His world was developed from what he went through from birth until now, mine as well. I learned so much from our battle field, you read that right, it wasn't a training ground, their was blood shed.
What was attained? Compassion, though it may look obscured. Grace, to understand we all are flawed and need each other to embrace our variations. Hope, that somehow optimism will always far out weigh pessimism. And, most essential: LOVE. Love, the strongest, most powerfully positive emotion of regard and affection. It requires more than pleasure, it is full of devotion. How can this be, shouldn't I be bitter and walk around with a stench face? Certainly I could claim that I have the right to hate weddings and be bold enough to make it my life motto that weddings suck and love doesn't really exist. The fact is, love does exist. God is love, which is unconditional. Humans fail where he doesn't, we make it about survival and put limits on love. Weddings were not made to be some theatrical show, they are a symbol of marriage. Marriage, when two join as one, is a soul connection. I've determined that when a marriage is right, it's absolutely stunning and will take your breath away(in the best way). A commitment so deep its in your bones, part of your essence. Personally, it scares the shit out of me. I'm just being honest, its all I know, apologies to all you uptight, righteous folk reading my crazy ass blog. Here's something funny, I actually enjoy some weddings now. Shocker, lookout world!
Lastly, yet most vital, the four various birth control methods that didn't sustain during wedlock…..left me with the most beautiful, captivating fact that the worst day of my life led me to the most treasured, precious four gifts of my life. My cup is full, through the ups and downs, this journey has hosted me with the highest degree of intense joy anyone could ask for…..motherhood. I am blessed, and would choose to relive my worst day all over again to experience the four delights of my being. Sometimes suffering brings awareness of our greatest accomplishments. Watching them venture out and feel exuberance, seeing them get their happy on is pure, genuine bliss!
Be raw, be real, be love, be light, be peace, be hype, be free, just BE!
Signing off for now,
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
My Why....
My heart and life are full, I've never been so excited! What fuels me is helping to stir the passion in others and watching their lights turn on. Walking in my destiny, it's what I was meant to be.
Be love, be light, be peace, be hype, be free, just be!
Be love, be light, be peace, be hype, be free, just be!
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Can it be done?
Hypocrites, liars, those of little faith, and all of those that think I would be better off in the loony bin: do me a favor and skip reading this post.
Let's be real, may I? My church has a series going on right now about "The church just wants your money." Its awesome, with tons of valid points, if you want to check it out go here: That being said, the church has nothing to do with what I'm about to write. Honestly, I just want to say: I want your money, along with Apple, McDonalds, the Farmers Market, the hair salon, the spa, the chiropractor, grocery stores, Wal-Mart, Target, your city's recreation dept, dentist, doctors, oncologist, Time Warner Cable, AT&T, gyms, any fundraiser, schools, ummm yes….you get my point. Our world functions on green, its pretty obvious. Where you decide to put your money is your choice, heck its your right, a freedom that some never may get to experience. If you're still reading, wow, you must be bored. Here's the deal, you have this incredible life before you. What is it that drives you, pulls you, gives you that strength to keep putting one foot in front of the other and making the choices you do? Are you satisfied with your health or are you paying bill after bill to health care? Are you content in your job or do you wake up wishing it was your day off? How old do you feel, do you have the energy to play with your kids when you're not working? Is watching tv really considered fun? Are you able to attack every workout like its your last? Maybe, you don't even want to show up at the gym or put on a swimsuit because you feel uncomfortable with your excess body weight. Trust me, I have to pump myself up somedays just to speak to people, I would much rather be sitting behind my computer writing, or participating in my favorite hobby: yoga, going to a class learning from an amazing teacher. Let me tell you a secret(for those that are hanging in there, STILL reading), from 15 years of fitness expertise that I have(yoga, personal trainer, massage therapist, fitness guru, lol) gained, I learned that you can lose weight more than one way! I know your shocked, I was too, after every single kid I gave birth to(remember I have 4) I lost the weight with a variety of avenues. It wasn't easy, the biggest factor was my mind, I refused to give up. Yet, just because I have been able to maintain a dece weight through out the years doesn't mean I was always healthy. I struggled to pay attn, to be balanced, to be happy. My body reacted to not getting the proper nutrition it needed, I suffered depression, ADHD, and this was just the icing on the cake. My father's death happened, divorce happened, a custody battle occurred, relationships suffered, and I struggled to make ends meet. I worked 4-5 jobs, went to school, thinking if I just shifted my focus I could survive. Nope, it only ended up helping me crash even harder. March, this year, a friend called me that I haven't seen in over 15 years, she told me about this "amazing" product. The skeptic that I am, was like "whatever, heard it before." Yet, something in me said "Do it!" Now(7 months later), I am forever grateful, my health is a reflection of everything. I am focused, its like my ADHD is nonexistent, my depression gone, plus I quit all my extra jobs because I see clearly how my life and those that are using the nutritional cleanse is being affected. It's amazing if you give your body the right food how it can work/heal itself and get rid of the toxins our environment is depositing into it. Getting paid to buy my groceries every month is only a bonus. Wether we like it or not, our bodies are taking a hit with the (excuse my english) sh*t that we are being given in the world. Some of us can't fight back, our immune systems are being weakened, so allergies and diseases pop up. I am all about health, yet health isn't just about eating right and exercising, its also about making the BEST choices, its about balance: physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and financially. I swear I feel alive now more than ever, isn't it time you did and dive into your purpose? If you do choose to live fully, I want to be on your team because doing life alone SUCKS!
Be love, be light, be peace, be free, be hype, just be!
Let's be real, may I? My church has a series going on right now about "The church just wants your money." Its awesome, with tons of valid points, if you want to check it out go here: That being said, the church has nothing to do with what I'm about to write. Honestly, I just want to say: I want your money, along with Apple, McDonalds, the Farmers Market, the hair salon, the spa, the chiropractor, grocery stores, Wal-Mart, Target, your city's recreation dept, dentist, doctors, oncologist, Time Warner Cable, AT&T, gyms, any fundraiser, schools, ummm yes….you get my point. Our world functions on green, its pretty obvious. Where you decide to put your money is your choice, heck its your right, a freedom that some never may get to experience. If you're still reading, wow, you must be bored. Here's the deal, you have this incredible life before you. What is it that drives you, pulls you, gives you that strength to keep putting one foot in front of the other and making the choices you do? Are you satisfied with your health or are you paying bill after bill to health care? Are you content in your job or do you wake up wishing it was your day off? How old do you feel, do you have the energy to play with your kids when you're not working? Is watching tv really considered fun? Are you able to attack every workout like its your last? Maybe, you don't even want to show up at the gym or put on a swimsuit because you feel uncomfortable with your excess body weight. Trust me, I have to pump myself up somedays just to speak to people, I would much rather be sitting behind my computer writing, or participating in my favorite hobby: yoga, going to a class learning from an amazing teacher. Let me tell you a secret(for those that are hanging in there, STILL reading), from 15 years of fitness expertise that I have(yoga, personal trainer, massage therapist, fitness guru, lol) gained, I learned that you can lose weight more than one way! I know your shocked, I was too, after every single kid I gave birth to(remember I have 4) I lost the weight with a variety of avenues. It wasn't easy, the biggest factor was my mind, I refused to give up. Yet, just because I have been able to maintain a dece weight through out the years doesn't mean I was always healthy. I struggled to pay attn, to be balanced, to be happy. My body reacted to not getting the proper nutrition it needed, I suffered depression, ADHD, and this was just the icing on the cake. My father's death happened, divorce happened, a custody battle occurred, relationships suffered, and I struggled to make ends meet. I worked 4-5 jobs, went to school, thinking if I just shifted my focus I could survive. Nope, it only ended up helping me crash even harder. March, this year, a friend called me that I haven't seen in over 15 years, she told me about this "amazing" product. The skeptic that I am, was like "whatever, heard it before." Yet, something in me said "Do it!" Now(7 months later), I am forever grateful, my health is a reflection of everything. I am focused, its like my ADHD is nonexistent, my depression gone, plus I quit all my extra jobs because I see clearly how my life and those that are using the nutritional cleanse is being affected. It's amazing if you give your body the right food how it can work/heal itself and get rid of the toxins our environment is depositing into it. Getting paid to buy my groceries every month is only a bonus. Wether we like it or not, our bodies are taking a hit with the (excuse my english) sh*t that we are being given in the world. Some of us can't fight back, our immune systems are being weakened, so allergies and diseases pop up. I am all about health, yet health isn't just about eating right and exercising, its also about making the BEST choices, its about balance: physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and financially. I swear I feel alive now more than ever, isn't it time you did and dive into your purpose? If you do choose to live fully, I want to be on your team because doing life alone SUCKS!
Be love, be light, be peace, be free, be hype, just be!
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Don't blame the world or others for what has been done to you, stand up and be the change! Change your life by changing your attitude, love yourself by taking care of yourself. Be healthy: mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Love yourself and it becomes easier to love others. Yet, if they continue to spit venom at you, learn to love by walking away…..
The unaccepted me, the broken and hurt me, that felt naked & stripped of any dignity crawled into your lap. Where you comforted me, removed the chains & lies from me. Took me out of this world for a small amount of time to remind me & Grace me with truth. Understanding that I'm completely made for this moment, I'm here to walk in peace, there is no need to defend my purpose. So, as I embraced your love, you clothed me with splendor, helping me to stand. Stand without fear. Shining, sharing this joy that is available to all!
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Bohemian Rhapsody
This bohemian fire is what you admire, yet your post are mere ghost. Your boast from across the coast got me feeling the most. But, I know your lost and searching for perfection, yet your detection is simply a misperception. Let this hour of light shine before this wine ends up making you look like a swine. So, you plan to save the best for last? What you must learn is that this queen is going to pass. Less than thank you, I'm feeling as if I'm about to burst and will not be considered a curse.
Monday, August 18, 2014
excrement, feces, aka SHIT
Today, I was struggling. I have some serious shit going on. I found myself tired & not wanting to fight. I just wanted to ignore everyone & hide, crawl up in a ball & disappear forever. It's so freakin hard being a single mom sometimes, I'm overwhelmed, feel completely alone! The kids decided it was beat mom up with your words kind of morning. They didn't want to start back at school today. After dropping them off, I wanted to rush home, fall into my bed & cry. I know, I need tougher skin. Instead, I went for a walk, blasting my music on my headphones & wearing my hat as low as I could(trying to hide my face, hiding my tears). As a lady passed she started saying my name "Kara!" I tried to keep my head down & say "hey." But, she said "it's me! Wenda!" I met her years ago when I taught kickboxing. Then, her words hit me like a ton of bricks....."you know I lost my son 2 weeks ago." I started bawling, she said "no, I have complete peace. He touched so many lives, he had over a thousand ppl at his funeral. They heard the truth, the word." We hugged & I kept saying "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." We went our separate ways & I woke up. Wenda knows who has her, where her son is now & how mighty God is. She was full of peace, she tried to comfort me, reminding me this is all temporary. I stopped crying, I kept walking. My heart hurt for Wenda & my petty thoughts shut up.
Words may hurt at first yet, the negativity & lies thrown at you are only words & curses. They truly have no power, unless you let them. When I was 10 yrs old I was eating a Twinkie & my mother, who bought them, said: "you going to eat that? You'll get fat." My ex-husband for 10 yrs told me anytime we fought how ugly my body was, how worthless I was, & how stupid I was. I've been told by friends how crazy or retarded I am. When I decided to go into the mission field, my grandparents said "your ruining your life!" As I went through my divorce, the church told me I would never have God's anointing again. My family told me because I have 4 kids that nobody will ever want to marry me. These words have no power unless you give them a place. If I even let those comments fester in my head I would not have accomplished all that I have. Actually, some of those words pushed me to do greater things! The lives I've touched & seen changed because of my purpose, God made me for such a time as this. I choose to walk in healing & strength, letting the things I've been told to be silenced. We are all created for a destiny, to encourage, to love, to bless, to motivate & remind each other as Wenda reminded me "we are NOT alone!"
Ppl that are hurt, hurt ppl. Those that said those things to me were only hurting, they were suffering & didn't know what they were saying at the time they said it. Just like I do or even you do at times. I'm flawed, maybe probably more so than the ones I spoke of in this post. I didn't always have the best responses when I was being ridiculed, like when my mom said that about the Twinkie I replied with "is that what happened to you?" And when my ex would say something I'd yell "well, your a lazy, fat tard!"
No perfection here, but I do know I will continue to pick myself up off the ground & understand that the best is yet to come! I'm no longer trying to envision it, I'm DOING IT! Live life in the face of adversity, choose to break free from the pain & conquer an attitude of gratitude, not one of survival. There is too much to celebrate, so I'm going to stop focusing on what mess the storm created & start cleaning it up, keep on moving!
Friday, August 15, 2014
Just Be
I'm bold & bare, yet beautiful.
I'm a pretentious child of God, yet priceless.
I'm flawed, yet fierce.
I'm doomed, yet destined.
I'm likely, yet loved.
I Fight to not just survive, yet to keep my head held high! I know the truth, yet lies stare at me, I choose to break the mold & walk in freedom. I will be shaken, perhaps fall from time to time yet, I will always have a way to stand back up! Even if it requires that I must crawl or have to start from the beginning again. I am not alone, you are not alone! We are all bound in this flesh, yet we can & have overcome, may you let your spirit, your soul ride across the clouds into the sky! Soar like eagles, no one can clip your wings, unless you let them.
So here it goes, I'm having this AMAZING affair! When my eyes lay upon this beautiful treasure chills cover my body. From a distance tingles trickle from my head to my toes, as I move closer my heart melts. My soul has never been so at peace. I'm washed, renewed, comforted by his presence. A deep, strong voice that reassures & stills me. My feet sink deeper into the sand as this addiction calls to me. This drug has it's way with me. My soul longs for this constant therapy, drawing me to savor each step. The coolness under my feet, the softness in between my toes. I'm lost in a paradise of blue skies & open water. I don't want it to end. Meeting with my maker, resting in his bosom, from the dunes to the depths of the ocean, I am in complete bliss in my lovers embrace.
Monday, August 11, 2014
OMGMF-Oh My God, My Father!
Running, looking ahead, then looking up & even closing my eyes for a second. When I run I listen to worship music. My friend Tiff was waiting on me last week when I arrived late to the gym. I started to run faster and bumped the speed up to 8.0, then 9.0. Tiff started to look at me funny, I knew she thought I was crazy so, I yelled out "I'm not being chased, I'm not running from anything. I'm running towards something!" As I got off the treadmill and began to do weights with Tiff I told her some of my most inspiring moments occur when I run. It's like God is speaking to me, pushing me, encouraging me to not give up. You see, I answer to one, yes -you guessed it: God. Why wouldn't I? I know I used to run from him, try to out run my past. Always feeling as if it was trying to catch me, not let me progress in life, as if I could never get away. The demons, skeletons(whatever you want to call it) in my closet were real. When I finally woke up, I realized his grace, his complete healing, his truth, and started running towards him. I longed for more of his love & it wasn't about knowing OF him, it was getting TO KNOW HIM! As a continueously surrender, learning to trust, holding/grasping his hand, I am open to understand that he was beside me this whole time. There was never a reason to run, he accepted me as I was & as I am. He loves me too much to leave me this way & all I have to do is let go and walk with him. There is freedom & it will ring loud if we let it!
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Be Real, Be Brave
has pain that festers inside them, it is disguised as something or someone that is causing them an undeniable trial in their life. Whether
it be heartache, memories, abuse, suffering from disease, an
addiction, depression, anxiety, loneliness, constant accusations,
bullying, judgement, loss, betrayal, strife, struggling to make ends
meet, or anything that slowly attempts to kill any hope of success.
These afflictions are temporary because this life is temporary.
Scripture quotes: 'there is a time for everything,' -Ecclesiastes
3:1, along with 1 Peter 1:24. Let's be honest, those times SUCK! I
wanted to end my writing with that today, yet there is always a
silver lining, a shimmer of destiny, that unexplainable joy that
sneaks a smile upon your face. For me, last night, it was hearing my
best friend's voice that I haven't heard in months, she listened as I
wept. She displayed kindness and empathy, most importantly she picked
up the phone and I discovered that I didn't need a shoulder, I just
needed a soul. A soul to listen to my tribulations, to comfort me
with a listening ear. I needed to know I didn't have to carry the
burden by myself. She said “we will get through this life.” I
kept apologizing, saying “I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.” I was ashamed
I needed help, I needed another soul to tell me “it's okay to be
real.” You see, this storm I'm going through and not around, is not
a punishment, its preparation. I have NO idea for what it is
preparing me for, but having a friend remind me that Jesus strength
is greater than our storm(by just listening) gave me comfort in my
desperation. “Come,” a simple word that means: to move toward,
reach a destination, arrive by movement or progress, as in due
course, and reach a state or condition. This little four letter word
was what Jesus used to tell the disciples to follow him that changed
the course of their lives forever. Jesus told the sick to “Get up”
when he would heal them. “Come to me, all you who are
weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” -Matthew 11:28
733 Baptisms, July 31, 2014, My oldest son was among them. |
isn't a coincidence that in order for healing or progress to take
place that Jesus used words that involved some sort of action to be
made. Come, Get Up, simple, yet with one step or movement it created
advancement for the people that trusted him and made the decision to
take action. To move beyond the trial/storm you are in, it is
required of you to GET UP and COME. You may or may not forget where
you were when you were hit by the storm, but walking through it and
hearing God's voice(whether it be through scripture, that still small
voice, or a friend's audible voice on the phone or in person) telling
you to “get up” or “come” will alter and shift your life
permanently. The effects can usually be along the lines of: healing,
destiny, direction, purpose-driven, prepared, peaceful, gained
wisdom, and understanding hope truly exist. Do it, walk through it,
and pray to be brave!
Thursday, July 17, 2014
haters gonna hate
Finding hope in the dark….
This evening, after I got off of work I went by the beach to process some things & thank God for my dad....remembering him. The tide was coming up, it was about 6pm. I got a little playful & started doing handstands, then sat to meditate. As I got up to leave, I reached into my pocket to retrieve my key.....yup, you guessed it, not there. I walked over to where I performed inversions & nothing but water washed over my feet. I looked for 30 minutes, nothing. My phone was in the car, my sweet friend Mary, called AAA for me. One hour later I got my phone, yet no spare key, you see, when I bought my car about 4 years ago the dealership only gave me one spare. The nice AAA guy told me I might need to write a note so my car wouldn't get towed. I was upset, really upset, I didn't really have the mula to spend on a parking ticket, towed car, plus a lock smith to get a new key. I wrote a note, then called the police department, officer Devan was so kind, he sent out a dispatch to let other officers know my make, model, & plates so, the car wouldn't get towed. I walked back onto the beach & sat until now….11pm.
A couple walked by, I said "Dawn?" It was my beautiful yoga teacher and her husband Brian. I hugged Dawn so tight, probably scared her, I thought how neat to see her. I didn't tell her my scenario, & the trouble I made with my asanas. They were admiring the amazing full moon & it's reflection upon the water. I watched them leave, I continued to sit. I told God: "I really need you to show yourself right now, Lord." Then I felt like I was supposed to get up & walk to where I lost my key. I did just that, then I felt God say "pick that up." It was a black rock, I picked it up anyway. I wanted to be obedient if it was truly God's voice. Then took a few steps with my flashlight (on my phone) shining onto the sand THERE IT WAS! MY CAR KEY! 4-5 hours later! The tide came & went, the sand covered & uncovered, God spoke, I listened. If you say you can't hear God, I tell you it's possible, even in the dark! Our sweet creator knows the hair count on our heads, because he made us. He loves us like nobody's business!
This morning I went for a run & this popped into my head: 'Walk in freedom, God given freedom! Know that no weapon formed against you shall prosper, that God is your shield. Understand this corpse will deteriorate one day yet, this soul, this spirit WILL NOT! Grasp hold how life travels beyond the physical realm, physics aren't applicable.' 1 Peter 1:3-5, Ephesians 6:12
A couple walked by, I said "Dawn?" It was my beautiful yoga teacher and her husband Brian. I hugged Dawn so tight, probably scared her, I thought how neat to see her. I didn't tell her my scenario, & the trouble I made with my asanas. They were admiring the amazing full moon & it's reflection upon the water. I watched them leave, I continued to sit. I told God: "I really need you to show yourself right now, Lord." Then I felt like I was supposed to get up & walk to where I lost my key. I did just that, then I felt God say "pick that up." It was a black rock, I picked it up anyway. I wanted to be obedient if it was truly God's voice. Then took a few steps with my flashlight (on my phone) shining onto the sand THERE IT WAS! MY CAR KEY! 4-5 hours later! The tide came & went, the sand covered & uncovered, God spoke, I listened. If you say you can't hear God, I tell you it's possible, even in the dark! Our sweet creator knows the hair count on our heads, because he made us. He loves us like nobody's business!
Monday, April 21, 2014
Tonight, after I taught yoga, I went for my 2 mile run and as I looked up to see the bright stars, a sense of joy overwhelmed me! A huge smile was on my face and my heart was full of gratitude. I first thought of my kids, how much I freakin love them and of the incredible bond I get to share with them. They make me smile, push me to be a better person, and remind/show me how to love/embrace every moment. Then I thought of my beautiful clients that come to my yoga class and felt so blessed to witness their commitment and ever growing progress in their practice. Thoughts ventured to my massage clients and how I ADORE what I do, I get to assist in healing and help people discover their strengths in personal training! I LOVE what I do! I am blessed and GOD is super, crazy, good to me! I'm stoked that I can run a mile under 9 minutes, I'm excited God has given me so much drive and determination to always see the positive, how he has given me a passion to learn, share knowledge, how he created me to be creative, I LOVE how he pursues me and lit a fire under my bum to NOT give up! I am happy, I am FREE, I am confident and smart, I appreciate where I've been and where I'm going, I have always felt comfortable in my own skin. Others may not have been so much to the liking of my ways yet, God made me -me! This isn't a post boasting how great I am, I just feel so incredibly BLESSED! I don't care about this outer shell I live in, I'm tickled how God invested in making my soul, the one that will live forever with him! There is so much fun in meeting people every day, no fear in praying blessings over someone that I just met and sharing how God loves them! I am happy to be alive, and have had amazing moments with my mother, father, sister, and family. I've learned so much from them as well as friends and neighbors. There is nothing wrong with these intense moments of gratitude and joy, I will swallow them whole. I am alive, beautiful, and accept the gifts God has given me.
Be love, be light, be free, be hype, just BE!
Prita, aka Yoga Gurl
Be love, be light, be free, be hype, just BE!
Prita, aka Yoga Gurl
Friday, March 21, 2014
A letter to my sister
Wishing you were here, to open up a place,
i miss you, my sister.
As the years continue and our faces fill with grace,
I am thankful for the love you continue to hold.
You always lend an ear for my tears and a laugh
to help deal with the life we have lived.
Sister, the distance is great, yet our hearts beat quite the same.
I am here and you are dear.
We are forever blessed from our birth until beyond our death.
Although our mark was made, our beds have been cleansed.
We were raised to see a shining hope, taught to watch for the King.
Sister, don't forget our mothers love nor our fathers teachings.
Jehovah Jireh, our provider, his grace is sufficient for me……
for me……for me! Listen & you will hear the Lamb!
Adonai, El Shaddai, Immanuel, YES, God is with us!
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Is Pornography For You?
The following paper contains statistics on pornography that may enlighten you to how it is exposed and to whom it is exposed. It will inform you what pornography is and may challenge you to view it in a different light. Pornography is easily available with the technology of today, thus populating like obesity has over the past decade. Some portray pornography as fun and as a bonus to their lifestyle, as others view it as demeaning and obscene.
Sex sells, as we witness current commercials and local advertisements, yet does this make it right? Pornography is free on the internet, so does this quench the thirst for those that seek it? The real question is: Is Pornography For You? Ponder these questions as you read through the following.
The following paper contains statistics on pornography that may enlighten you to how it is exposed and to whom it is exposed. It will inform you what pornography is and may challenge you to view it in a different light. Pornography is easily available with the technology of today, thus populating like obesity has over the past decade. Some portray pornography as fun and as a bonus to their lifestyle, as others view it as demeaning and obscene.
Sex sells, as we witness current commercials and local advertisements, yet does this make it right? Pornography is free on the internet, so does this quench the thirst for those that seek it? The real question is: Is Pornography For You? Ponder these questions as you read through the following.
Is Pornography For You?
Pornography, the word itself provides different thoughts and feelings to every individual.
According to Human Sexuality(3rd edition) by Roger R. Hock, pornography, in legal terms, is any sexually explicit work deemed obscene according to legal criteria and therefore exempt from freedom of speech protections. Oxford dictionary defines pornography as printed or visual material containing the explicit description or display of sexual organs or activity, intended to stimulate erotic rather than aesthetic or emotional feelings. There are many recent facts and studies on pornography, labeling some of the statistics will assist in understanding peoples views and the impact it has in our society. Pornography is a debatable subject, morals and the constitution come into question here. There are those that argue pornography is freedom of speech, or of the press, pertaining to The First Amendment to the Constitution. Yet, there are inconsistencies involved with such arguments such as defamation of another's character and obscenity.
Researchers have found a difference between pornography and erotica. Erotica has been labeled as “sexual sharing” and pornography as “sexual using.” In erotica individuals are freely and equally making a choice to engage in sexual exercises together. Pornography can be described as “raw sex” but, erotica claims to go beyond that with psychological and emotional factors.
Some women see pornography as degrading and demeaning women, portraying women as slaves, playthings for men to use and discard. Catherine MacKinnon (University of Michigan) advocates that pornography is a weapon that discriminates against women and justifies a culture of rape.
Who has the right to decide where the line is drawn when it comes to obscenity, pornography, and erotica? This is the constant controversy over the effects of pornography. Congress has left it in the hands of individual states.
• Sunday, the day of rest and the day Americans attend church, is the most popular day of the week for viewing porn. (Essert, 2014)
According to Human Sexuality(3rd edition) by Roger R. Hock, pornography, in legal terms, is any sexually explicit work deemed obscene according to legal criteria and therefore exempt from freedom of speech protections. Oxford dictionary defines pornography as printed or visual material containing the explicit description or display of sexual organs or activity, intended to stimulate erotic rather than aesthetic or emotional feelings. There are many recent facts and studies on pornography, labeling some of the statistics will assist in understanding peoples views and the impact it has in our society. Pornography is a debatable subject, morals and the constitution come into question here. There are those that argue pornography is freedom of speech, or of the press, pertaining to The First Amendment to the Constitution. Yet, there are inconsistencies involved with such arguments such as defamation of another's character and obscenity.
Researchers have found a difference between pornography and erotica. Erotica has been labeled as “sexual sharing” and pornography as “sexual using.” In erotica individuals are freely and equally making a choice to engage in sexual exercises together. Pornography can be described as “raw sex” but, erotica claims to go beyond that with psychological and emotional factors.
Some women see pornography as degrading and demeaning women, portraying women as slaves, playthings for men to use and discard. Catherine MacKinnon (University of Michigan) advocates that pornography is a weapon that discriminates against women and justifies a culture of rape.
Who has the right to decide where the line is drawn when it comes to obscenity, pornography, and erotica? This is the constant controversy over the effects of pornography. Congress has left it in the hands of individual states.
• Sunday, the day of rest and the day Americans attend church, is the most popular day of the week for viewing porn. (Essert, 2014)
77% of Americans view pornography at least once a month. (Essert, 2014)
Twelve percent of websites on-line are pornographic, that is approximately 24,644,172 sites.
This might lead to the fact why 34% of internet users have experienced unwanted exposure to
porn (pop up ads, misdirected links or emails). (Essert, 2014)
Every second $3,075.64 is spent on pornography, thats $2.84 billion every year in the United
States. (Essert, 2014)
Pornography related searches on the internet tally 68 million per day, that's 25% of all search
engine requests. (Essert, 2014)
Americans make up 40 million (12% of the population) of regular visitors for porn sites.
The United States is the top producer of pornographic DVDs and web material; the second
largest is Germany: they each produce in excess of 400 porn films for DVD every week.
Teenagers around the world report using porn to gain information about real life sex.
A Google Trends analysis indicates that searches for “Teen Porn” have more than tripled
between 2005-2013, and teen porn was the fastest-growing genre over this period. Total searches for teen-related porn reached an estimated 500,000 daily in March 2013, for larger than other genres, representing approximately one-third of total daily searches for pornographic web sites. (Dines, 2013)
Child pornography searches equal 116,000 per day, 20% of all internet pornography involves
children. (Essert, 2014)
Children as young as 11 years old are regularly accessing hardcore gonzo pornography. (IFR,
These facts are just the tip of the iceberg, with so much information accessible through computers, smart phones, iPads, mobile devices, etc, temptation is not temptation anymore, its gluttony. We live in an electronic nation that has produced an electronic lifetime. Remember the Disney movie 'Wall-E'? Everyone was addicted to an electronic chair that provided electronic pleasure, no one had to walk or move about, everything was provided at their fingertips and their minds were stimulated by their devices. Life was no longer life, people forgot what fresh air was and lost reality. Things like running, playing in the grass, interacting with other people was non-existent. The people on the ship became dull and numb to real life, they were lethargic and desensitized to feeling due to the overstimulation from the electronics. I believe the same can happen with sex. The more its looked at, the less attractive it becomes unless there is something new, exciting, or different to do. Pornography pretends to open up a new world of creativity, yet it can cause more damage than good by challenging people to want more. Addictions start and unrealistic sexual expectations and explorations begin, misdirecting the source of longing. Emotional and spiritual growth are hindered, reality is lost and emptiness sets in. Porn disrupts the mind, like greed, it never can satisfy the true self that we all long for as the human race. It can only lead to suffering because its physical, like the saying “beauty is fleeting” from Proverbs 31:30, “sex is fleeting.” This too shall pass because it has no real substance, it may feel good for the moment but, eventually it fades like the grass and the flowers.
The statistics shared above are just that: numbers. The numbers are people, and every person has a
name, and every name matters (wether that person knows it or not). Their life is important and there is
so much more to that person than sex.
Sex does sell, with the sex industry as the largest and most profitable industry in the world, there is definitely money to be made. The more sex is offered, the more it will desensitize us by decreased empathy for rape victims, decreased sexual interest in our spouses, and possible increasingly aggressive behavioral tendencies(studies have shown this in men). I don't agree with pornography, sex is natural, it happens yet, I don't condone in selling it. With Sexually Transmitted Infections on the rise and the strive for physical perfection among our teens, there needs to be more than “the feel good drug” of sex.
Sex does sell, with the sex industry as the largest and most profitable industry in the world, there is definitely money to be made. The more sex is offered, the more it will desensitize us by decreased empathy for rape victims, decreased sexual interest in our spouses, and possible increasingly aggressive behavioral tendencies(studies have shown this in men). I don't agree with pornography, sex is natural, it happens yet, I don't condone in selling it. With Sexually Transmitted Infections on the rise and the strive for physical perfection among our teens, there needs to be more than “the feel good drug” of sex.
Hock, Roger R., (2012). Human Sexuality (3rd ed.). New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.
Fowler, F. G., H. W. Fowler, and George Van Santvoord. The Pocket Oxford Dictionary of Current English. New York: Oxford UP, 1927. Print.
Essert, Matt. "14 Mind-Blowing Facts About Porn in America." Http:// N.p., 10 Jan. 2014. Web. 2 Mar. 2014.
Bridges, A., & Wosnitzer, R. (2007). Aggression and sexual behavior in best-selling pornography: A content analysis update. International Communication Association.
Gahyun, Y., & Yang, D. (2012). Effects of exposure to pornography on male aggressive behavioral tendencies. The Open Psychology Journal, (5), 1-10.
Pornhub. 2013 Year in Review. Pornhub, Web.
Malamuth, N. (1986). Repeated exposure to violent and nonviolent pornography: Likelihood of raping ratings and laboratory aggression against women. Aggressive Behavior, 12(2), 129–137.
Carroll, J. S., Padilla-Walker, L. M., Nelson, L. J., Olson, C. D., McNamara Barry, C., Madsen, S. D., (2008). Generation XXX: Pornography acceptance and use among emerging adults. Journal of Adolescent Research, 23(1), 6-30.
Paintbottle. (2013). Everyone you know watches porn. Retrieved from
Internet Filter Review (2006). Internet pornography statistics. Retrieved from http://internet-filter-
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. (2013). Key facts. Retrieved from
Flood, M., (2009). The harms of pornography exposure among children and young people . Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society.
Bridges, A. (2006). Pornography's effects on interpersonal relationships. Department of Psychology, University of Arkansas.
Dines, G. (2013, August 01). A rare defeat for corporate lobbyists. Retrieved from
Sex Tracker. (2012). Stats. Retrieved from
Flood, M., (2009). The harms of pornography exposure among children and young people . Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society.
Bridges, A. (2006). Pornography's effects on interpersonal relationships. Department of Psychology, University of Arkansas.
Dines, G. (2013, August 01). A rare defeat for corporate lobbyists. Retrieved from
Sex Tracker. (2012). Stats. Retrieved from
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
I tend to get a little too caught up in my homework at times, This is from a discussion I had to partake of, thought I'd share some to enlighten & show how I like to stir conversations(aka. drive ppl cray-cray):
In chapter 10, Transgender Identity is discussed, this is found throughout pages 388-393. I found it interesting how difficult it is to estimate accurately the percentage of transgender people because so many keep their true gender identity hidden, which totally makes sense. I have a friend that started out as one of my clients, I sensed he struggled with something yet, couldn't quite figure out what it was exactly. He had a hard time being himself around other people. Over the years I got to know him more and I assumed he was a cross dresser. As time progressed I realized he was a transvestite, until he told me he was saving up to have a sex reassignment surgery. This month he is changing his gender and will no longer be a male, yet a female. So, yes I personally know a transgender. This section stood out to me because I personally saw my friend suppress his true gender identity and attempt to conform to society's expected gender-appropriate behavior as the best he could(like pages 389 pointed out). I, like most people in this town, assumed he was confused and thought it could be gender dysphoria(confused, anxious, or depressed about gender identity). This is a real struggle for some people, unfortunately people can be so cruel towards a transexual, my philosophy has always been: "who am I to judge?" It saddens me how hard it has been for my friend, as a small child his parents always found him dressing in his sisters clothes. Unfortunately, South Carolina(aka the Bible belt), is no place to live for a transsexual. The majority of people that label themselves Christians here don't live and love like Jesus did, they judge, stare, make fun of, and say "I'll pray for them," or "God can fix that." Treating EVERYONE(no matter what they've done or are going through) with respect is a start to sharing the gospel. Screaming and telling people they are wrong for feeling their emotions is hypocritical. Jesus walked with the lost and didn't point fingers, he reached out to the whores and tax collectors, there are far too many of us that think we are better than others because we go to church or don't struggle with a specific sin. OOPS! Did I say too much? Both of these chapters hit a soft & painful spot for me, maybe we were brought up to believe that something like abortion is wrong or heterosexuality is the only way to live, it doesn't justify acting out in hate or ignorance towards those that do it. For those that I pissed off, go read your Bible…..its full of stories from crooks, murderers, sluts, and people that screwed up, that's why Jesus was sent- to save us. I, for one am certainly glad he did. I'm not saying whether any of the above is right or wrong, I'm just saying if your human, your flawed.
In chapter 10, Transgender Identity is discussed, this is found throughout pages 388-393. I found it interesting how difficult it is to estimate accurately the percentage of transgender people because so many keep their true gender identity hidden, which totally makes sense. I have a friend that started out as one of my clients, I sensed he struggled with something yet, couldn't quite figure out what it was exactly. He had a hard time being himself around other people. Over the years I got to know him more and I assumed he was a cross dresser. As time progressed I realized he was a transvestite, until he told me he was saving up to have a sex reassignment surgery. This month he is changing his gender and will no longer be a male, yet a female. So, yes I personally know a transgender. This section stood out to me because I personally saw my friend suppress his true gender identity and attempt to conform to society's expected gender-appropriate behavior as the best he could(like pages 389 pointed out). I, like most people in this town, assumed he was confused and thought it could be gender dysphoria(confused, anxious, or depressed about gender identity). This is a real struggle for some people, unfortunately people can be so cruel towards a transexual, my philosophy has always been: "who am I to judge?" It saddens me how hard it has been for my friend, as a small child his parents always found him dressing in his sisters clothes. Unfortunately, South Carolina(aka the Bible belt), is no place to live for a transsexual. The majority of people that label themselves Christians here don't live and love like Jesus did, they judge, stare, make fun of, and say "I'll pray for them," or "God can fix that." Treating EVERYONE(no matter what they've done or are going through) with respect is a start to sharing the gospel. Screaming and telling people they are wrong for feeling their emotions is hypocritical. Jesus walked with the lost and didn't point fingers, he reached out to the whores and tax collectors, there are far too many of us that think we are better than others because we go to church or don't struggle with a specific sin. OOPS! Did I say too much? Both of these chapters hit a soft & painful spot for me, maybe we were brought up to believe that something like abortion is wrong or heterosexuality is the only way to live, it doesn't justify acting out in hate or ignorance towards those that do it. For those that I pissed off, go read your Bible…..its full of stories from crooks, murderers, sluts, and people that screwed up, that's why Jesus was sent- to save us. I, for one am certainly glad he did. I'm not saying whether any of the above is right or wrong, I'm just saying if your human, your flawed.
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