Monday, August 11, 2014

OMGMF-Oh My God, My Father!

Running, looking ahead, then looking up & even closing my eyes for a second. When I run I listen to worship music. My friend Tiff was waiting on me last week when I arrived late to the gym. I started to run faster and bumped the speed up to 8.0, then 9.0. Tiff started to look at me funny, I knew she thought I was crazy so, I yelled out "I'm not being chased, I'm not running from anything. I'm running towards something!" As I got off the treadmill and began to do weights with Tiff I told her some of my most inspiring moments occur when I run. It's like God is speaking to me, pushing me, encouraging me to not give up. You see, I answer to one, yes -you guessed it: God. Why wouldn't I? I know I used to run from him, try to out run my past. Always feeling as if it was trying to catch me, not let me progress in life, as if I could never get away. The demons, skeletons(whatever you want to call it) in my closet were real. When I finally woke up, I realized his grace, his complete healing, his truth, and started running towards him. I longed for more of his love & it wasn't about knowing OF him, it was getting TO KNOW HIM! As a continueously surrender, learning to trust, holding/grasping his hand, I am open to understand that he was beside me this whole time. There was never a reason to run, he accepted me as I was & as I am. He loves me too much to leave me this way & all I have to do is let go and walk with him. There is freedom & it will ring loud if we let it!

1 comment:

  1. He lives inside us all....Depending on the individual determines how much he lives through us. The more you you let him live , The more he lets you live. You can keep him in the darkness or you can bring him to the light...and He will do the same for you....The more you hunger for him, The more he hungers for you. But no matter what it is you do.....He will FOREVER be there....waiting for you......You are never alone.
