Tuesday, October 27, 2009

It Is Well

Today my youngest son woke up extremely GRUMPY. The 20 minute ride to school was not the most delightful due to the fact that he screamed and cried ALL the way there! This really was not the best scenario for the rest of the crew, we had to dig deep to be cheerful. Seth, my youngest boy, did not want to go to school, he wanted to sleep. He struggled putting on his clothes, had a shoe fight all by himself, and then spilled his cereal onto his lap in the car. Not once did he take comfort from me or his siblings, who tried everything to calm his demeanor.

Such is life. A lot of times I do not get my way. Situations turn out messy, and I get mad or sad. I'll fight like crazy thinking I know what is foremost when it comes to my job or my kids, not letting God solace me (what I truly need). It's challenging when you learn that your not in control. Life happens and you can try to manage it, but the truth is.....it's not ours to dominate. Sometimes this does not rest well with our souls? Are we strong enough to let go, seeing our weakness for what it honestly is: pride? To surrender and not have control? Can we give permission to the author of life, who gives us the freedom to choose if we want to lead or -shall we engage in the fact that He knows best? He is our Father and wants the UTMOST for us! I love that song, 'It is well with my soul'.

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