Thursday, February 9, 2017

My thoughts on today:

-Graham crackers taste like childhood.
-My head feels like a deep rooted pimple someone is trying to pop, the pressure is too much!
-I actually miss working.
-No time like the present to do taxes!
-People are like dogs, they bark at noises acting like they are super badass until they realize they are just scared shitless.
-I miss India.
-I'll never understand child support, take someone's kids away from them & then make them pay for it? 🤔
-I miss the gym!
-Television is for those that don't want to think or let others think for productive & live life!
-If you get upset reading my post or by someone else's opinion, you take things too personal. That's pretty selfish, because it isn't all about you. Read The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz, it will change your life.
-Pain sucks, yet is temporary.
-If you're sick & don't stay home to heal, but choose to share your germs at work or wherever you go, you're an asshole.
-I have no filter anymore, and yes, I write children's books.
-I want to play outside right now with chalk art, roll around in the sand, and skateboard. I'm forever young.
-Singing out loud makes the heart brave.
-Smelly feet can be a sign there's too much yeast in the body.
-ADHD is a gift, not a handicap. Only those intelligent enough can handle it. If you can keep up, your brain works faster than the average bear, right boo boo!

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