Thursday, April 21, 2016

30 days

 Today marks day 30 of my "Love like there's no tomorrow" journey. I think I've literally fallen in love. My heart feels so full, my mind is as if it's brand new, and my outlook on life has completely changed. I am no longer the person I once was. I can't stop smiling, everything I see is with new eyes, and people are so beautiful. I needed this challenge, I needed a new perspective. Choosing love over every other emotion isn't the easiest when dealing with the circumstances of life, yet it is ALWAYS an option. There is freedom in love, there is peace, there is comfort, and there is the source of our very existence.....our Creator. I dare you to try it, to dive in to complete, limitless love! The only backfire will be being drenched in it by everyone & everything that surrounds you. Your energy will transform into nothing but success, your understanding will grow deeper than the ocean, and your heart will be a bottomless dish of secret sauce that everyone wants to dip into. Trust me on this, it's beyond worth it. Choose love, every second....

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