Tuesday, April 26, 2016

My heart's perfume

I'm going to waste it all on you, pour my heart's perfume.....don't care if I'm called a fool, I love you. If I surrender, I rest easy in my fathers arms & trust this too shall pass. There is nothing like daddy's embrace, believing he's the same yesterday, today, & forever. My soul cries out, tender for the voice of my Savior. It's by his grace I am clothed in splendor & may hold my head high. There is nothing this world or anyone in it can do to separate me from this infinite love he has lavished upon me. Priceless is my name, for I am my father's daughter. He is the keeper of my wings that I use to soar above these trials & broken bones.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

30 days

 Today marks day 30 of my "Love like there's no tomorrow" journey. I think I've literally fallen in love. My heart feels so full, my mind is as if it's brand new, and my outlook on life has completely changed. I am no longer the person I once was. I can't stop smiling, everything I see is with new eyes, and people are so beautiful. I needed this challenge, I needed a new perspective. Choosing love over every other emotion isn't the easiest when dealing with the circumstances of life, yet it is ALWAYS an option. There is freedom in love, there is peace, there is comfort, and there is the source of our very existence.....our Creator. I dare you to try it, to dive in to complete, limitless love! The only backfire will be being drenched in it by everyone & everything that surrounds you. Your energy will transform into nothing but success, your understanding will grow deeper than the ocean, and your heart will be a bottomless dish of secret sauce that everyone wants to dip into. Trust me on this, it's beyond worth it. Choose love, every second....

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Day 18-21

As the days pass I find myself more invested in the people I'm with rather than social media. I want to soak up every second. I watched a comedian compare someone ringing your doorbell growing up verses now....although he made it hilarious, it was true and sad at the same time. As a kid we got excited when someone was at the door and everyone in the family ran to it, or if the house phone rang everyone wanted to answer. 2016, if the doorbell rings everyone hides! There is not much else to say, just let that settle.

Taking action is what I feel led to do right now. Finding ways to publish my childrens book, working 110% in the gym and on my yoga mat to accomplish my goals eats daylight hours. The other moments are full of the limited time I have with my loves(children and friends), work, and allowing God to breathe through me. I'm learning to put my phone down more and savor the seconds that make life just that....LIFE! I smell my children's hair, kiss their cheeks, burn candles, read, sing karaoke with the kids, dance in the car at red lights, smile at EVERYONE, talk to strangers and make new friends by cracking jokes, stand outside in the rain, sit in the grass with the sun on my face, drink a warm cup of tea, and pray I never lose sight of how sweet this love is that the Lord has lavished upon me. Some days are easier than others, yet I keep reminding myself to be kind. Which there are several occasions I fail to do so. Yet, I know I want my life to be one that leaves a message of giving through kindness and laughter, a life that looked back upon refused to be selfish. May others feel lifted up when I am in their presence, because honestly, why are we here? To give the light that we have been given and create more access to visual beauty; or take it...causing more darkness to cover the earth so that we can't see anything, bruising and stubbing our toes from running into objects due to the absence of light. We have a choice, we can be light, or not.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Days 10-17

There is something about laser tag that activates my competitive side. It was probably my favorite activity the kids and I did over their spring break. We had to work together as a team; protecting, warning, guarding, directing, guiding, listening, encouraging, and looking out for each other. It reminded me that being a family, working together as one unit, is the greatest adventure of all.
The kids went back to their dad's Sunday and I was left alone in an empty house. I didn't want to stay there, most the time I don't mind, yet that evening I did. I joined a friend at the gym and then we celebrated our hard work with a drink. I dreaded the return to my empty nest so much that I text a friend to ask if I could stay at their place. Grateful again for beautiful friends.
Monday evening I was more than pleased to lock myself in my house and work away alone, catching up on bills and prepping for the week. Indian food with one of my homeslices, homemade coffee with another, time well spent. Then, the rest of the week as Rihanna says, "I worked, worked, worked." My 14 year old had the honor of traveling to NYC with a group from school this week and I was tickled each night he called to unraveled the details of his day.

One moment that stood out this week was a visit I made to the Dollar Tree Store. I was just grabbing a water for the weekly trek I make to the beach, yet something in my spirit told me to grab two. Standing in the checkout lane I randomly grabbed some Slim Jims because I thought "OOOOOH, protein! Perfect snack!" The only thing weird about it was I didn't need them and knew I wouldn't eat them for days. As I left and was sitting at a light there was a man standing with a sign, he was homeless, he was small, and looked pitiful. I rolled my window down and asked him "Do you want some water?" He perked up and excitedly said "Yes!" He dodged around other cars running to my mine and as I gave him the extra water and beef jerky he looked as if he was going to cry. Never doubt what your essence tells you, never question why you do certain things. It's a gift to listen to what our higher power tells us.

Random quotes from the week:

"To live a pure unselfish life, one must count nothing as one's own in the midst of abundance."

I looked up the definition of accountability this week and was led to say:
I'm encouraged, excited, and empowered to know that I don't have anyone to blame for where I am in life. I stand on my own two feet. At the end of the day I am accountable for my own actions that were made. I embrace the mistakes I made, I fully understand that I have to take responsibility for my responses to the circumstances that surround me. I choose to learn from my failures and celebrate in the goals I have achieved. Focusing on what I really want, and insuring my life is not taken for granted. Pursuing every minute as if it is my last. Today, and every day, I hold myself accountable to transform myself into the best version of me possible.

"If you're serious about changing your life, you'll find a way, if not, you'll find an excuse."

Why I take care of my body: physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, & financially....
"Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies."
-1 Corinthians 6:19

Friday, April 1, 2016

Day 9

Yesterday, was day 9 of my 30 day live/love like there is no tomorrow. It was a pretty chill day, me and the kids enjoyed the beach. They surfed and played in the sand, I read a book, we skateboarded, I was tired...
At the end of the night my 14 year old, Andrew, saw my weak eyes. I asked him to bring me my nightly supplements, he did, then he continued to bring me water and my contact case. I was in awe of his service, the kindness he was extending. I asked him "why are you being so kind to me?" His answer was "You tell me all the time to lead by example."
God ushers us beside still waters, he leads us to peace, his love flows beyond the throne. It can't be taken back, the wonders of his grace are sufficiently deeper than the sea. If anyone can love us, its our creator. His kingdom is our freedom, I can't help but long to know Him more and more. When others show me kindness, I don't question why God loves me, I just know He does. I experience emotions such as acceptance and love. Like a child that is comforted with a hug or kiss after having fallen down and scraped their knee.
Kindness, in the Bible, is described as a fruit of the Spirit. Fruit doesn't just appear, the seed is first planted in good soil, watered, nourished by the sun, slowly grows up against the wind, as well as face circumstances such as storms and hard rain. It takes time to fully develop into a juicy, ripe fruit. If picked too early, it taste bitter. Kindness works the same, it is a fruit of our spirit that needs to mature over time. It doesn't just happen. It has to be practiced, fed, nourished, and established through trials of life. I find I have to soak in God's love to understand kindness, in order for me to extend it I must seek it.
The most influential people in my life have been those that are kind. Besides my earthly father, a few that stand out having impacted my heart with beautiful kindness are Alice Prosser Johnson(my sixth grade teacher), Christy Lynch, Jennie and Brian Edwards. They took me in, as I was, and shared kindness. They were fruitful, their kindness was patient and full of a caring heart. Thank you friends for teaching me how priceless kindness is.

Back to Andrew, my middle son, who doesn't like his picture taken or being recognized. He can be so kind, so sweet, and a wonderful brother that any sibling could ask for. He constantly reminds me of my dad, it makes me feel incredibly honored to be called his mother. He has flaws(like all of us), but that is not what I want to focus on. I want to uplift him and encourage him of what he is doing right, as well as correct him using kindness as my foundation. Maybe, one day, he will do the same for his children and plant a seed of kindness like he did this week.

"Maybe our small acts of kindness will be the most significant legacy we leave behind." -Perry Noble