Thursday, February 4, 2016

Love, relationships, men, etc. etc.

Love, God is love. My dad showed that to me through my first several years of life. He taught me that love exist so strong as he loved my mother. I learned that stories throughout the Bible REALLY happened and how men should really act. Read to the end, trust me, I'm not bashing.
When guys attempt to talk to me or ask me out, I'm really disappointed in the shortage of men we have. They are too scared or they don't have any balls, it is so disappointing. Don't message a girl through Facebook to ask her out. Get her number, ask in person, call for crying out loud, don't freaking text it. Why act like little kids, not getting the toy you want (the goods) right away so, you look elsewhere for a shiny new toy that fulfills your pleasure for the moment. 
What is so wrong with pursuing a woman and stepping up? As if you are a disciplined athlete training to attain gold status in the olympics. How about commitment, is it possible? If you really think you have fallen for a woman then follow through, as if you made a choice and stick with it. Jacob made the decision to marry Rachel. Even though Rachel's father deceived Jacob and had him be with her sister Leah, Jacob never stopped (it took him 14 YEARS) until he married Rachel. He knew what he wanted, no matter the circumstance he didn't give up on her. I never see that, ever. What I see are dudes that want to be pursued.....what the hell is up with that? Seriously! I understand you want attention, but come on you are supposed to be the man, the alpha.
I didn't date for a year a few years back and people were like "Oh my gosh! What if you meet THE one? You'll miss your chance! Kara, you ARE getting older and four kids...." Puh-lease! That is what I call limited thinking. IF I did meet someone that could possibly be THE ONE, then he would get to know me as a friend and WAIT for me. We are all worth it, why settle for someone that doesn't know what they want and can't have enough self control????? Self control isn't just about eating habits, exercise, choosing a healthy lifestyle, or gossiping, shopping addictions, debt problems, and so on. Restraining sexual desires is included as well. Self control is a mindset. There are 5 pillars to a balanced healthy life which are physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and financial. Creating a positive, momentous, as well as successful life requires each of these pillars to become stable. Have I reached this level, ummmmm, let me think about that. (a millimeter of a second passes) "NO!" No one has, because each of us are continuously growing, maturing, and seeking these truths within ourselves. Finding our place or destination in this universe. 
Getting back to where I started: love, love is pure, love is kind, love is rich in self control and love has no boundaries when it comes to time. Perhaps you're thinking I'm some ridiculous girl that has been hurt by relationships of my past and just need to shut up, yet really, let's be honest....HOW many lives have had their hearts crushed from divorce or child custody cases? We are a wounded nation because men are not men anymore and women are not women. We have failed to raise our children to take charge and lead them to stand behind their word. We let go of discipline and let them run wild like there are no consequences for our actions. Allowing the television to create our morals. Our words and the statements we make are not impeccable. Do we really honor others or do we take everything personal? Instead of communication, we make assumptions and have no idea what we really want. Do we do our best or change from moment to moment forming self-judgement?
It's time we be the change we want to see in this world. Discover the truth that has been within you this whole entire time you've been here on earth. Let your yes be "YES!" and your no be "NO!" Love doesn't flop around, love is sound. I am challenged as these words flow from my spirit, I must love! I will not settle for ignorance, I will not tolerate desires that stir within me because of my lack of self control. There is a strength in love that shadows as selflessness and patience. Practice is the only way to graduate this life lesson and pass this course. Acquiring the skills to not give in to our desires, so that we may withstand the storms of life. Developing respect towards one another as sisters and brothers in order to flourish as a society. I blog these thoughts not to knock anyone, yet to inspire myself and others to stop crawling and drinking from our mothers breast milk. It's time to stand up, start running, training, and chew meat like an adult. Growing pains will occur, I guarantee it, but when you look back and see the man or woman that you will become out of won't regret it.

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