woman has some sort of fantasy where she ends up with the fairytale
ending of happily ever after. I want to be happy, don't you? Why
should we feel bad for doing something we enjoy so much, doing
whatever means it takes to be happy, and how can we be content with
ourselves no matter the circumstances? I hear comments like this all
the time. I think to myself: God is the very essence of what we
need, He is the handsome prince at the end of our book. He saves us
from our own destruction, our nightmares, our fears and struggles.
He gives us the hope we need to keep going. People may say: “Well,
WHY would God do this? What did I do to deserve this? God is NOT
fair!” Here's some breaking news, this world is not fair, if God
was fair we would all be burnt into little pieces right now. An old boyfriend once sent me this text that read: “I was hoping to see u today.”
I thought how sweet, someone enjoys my presence every day! We
were seeing each other on a daily basis and that particular day I was
running from job to job and absolutely exhausted. At that moment in time I believed I could not
possibly fit him into my schedule. Here's some vital information: God wants us that way, he longs for us to sit
with him, drink from the cup in his hand so that we might melt in his
peace. His desire is that we be overwhelmed with his deep love knowing it is more than we
can stand and "YES," to feel this presence everyday. To lay back against him and breath, feel his heartbeat.
Be completely consumed by him. This might be so that when we finally
learn to grasp the mere thought(idea) that when we are with Him, we
can handle any situation that comes our way.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
This is an excerpt from a book I'm currently working on:
refreshing the love of our Father that entitles us to freedom, He lavishes His beauty upon us. He gives us strength when we run empty. Look around and see love, when there is an opportunity to love…..do
it. Don’t look back at how you’ve been assaulted and
scarred, give this life you been gifted a chance to redeem His
glory. Because when He shines on you, it is amazing! And,
you will never see anything the same. It just takes one time to
meet Jesus and at that moment we will be changed forever. We
must continue through this life, through the hard times as well as
the good, yet knowing He is here….with us. Finding Him gives
me strength and the courage to face the trials I must overcome.
It only takes one moment, no matter who you are, where you’ve been,
or what you’ve seen or done, He loves us. He is our destiny, the
nourishment our souls long for. I ran away from him and ignored
his compassion. I made choices to push me farther away
from his grace, yet he remained, waiting for me to truly experience
the vastness of his love. Nothing makes me more ecstatic than
sharing my story because it ends with Him, my beloved. My God
has held me and not hidden his face from me. In him I am secure
and not forgotten. Look for him, you will find him, and
understand when he holds you…..that nothing else matters."
-It will eventually make sense, until then enjoy the pieces I share in the meantime.
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Getting There
Oswald Chambers challenges us to study John 1:38-39 in his book 'My Utmost for His Highest' for the June 12 entry. This particular daily devotion calls me to more than engage in a pondering debate yet, to repent:
"They said to Him, Rabbi....where are You staying?' He said to them, 'Come & see' "
Where our self-interest sleeps & the real interest is awakened. "They..... Remained With him that day......" That is about all some of us ever do. We stay with him for a short time, only to wake up to our own realities of life. Our self-interest rises up and our abiding with him is past. Yet there is no circumstance of life in which we cannot abide in Jesus.
"They said to Him, Rabbi....where are You staying?' He said to them, 'Come & see' "
Where our self-interest sleeps & the real interest is awakened. "They..... Remained With him that day......" That is about all some of us ever do. We stay with him for a short time, only to wake up to our own realities of life. Our self-interest rises up and our abiding with him is past. Yet there is no circumstance of life in which we cannot abide in Jesus.
"You are Simon....You shall be called Cephas" (John 1:42) God writes our new name only on those places in our lives where he has erased our pride, self-sufficiency, and self-interest. Some of us have our new name written only in certain spots, like spiritual measles. And in those areas of our lives we look all right. When we are in our best spiritual mood, you would think we were the highest quality Saints. But don't dare look at us when we are not in that mood. A true disciple is one who has his new name written all over him: self-interest, pride, and self-sufficiency have been completely erased.
"Pride is the sin of making "self" our god. And some of us today do this, not like the Pharisee, but like the tax collector(Luke 18:9-14). For you to say, "Oh, I'm no saint," is acceptable by human standards of pride, but it is unconscious blasphemy against God. You defy God to make you a saint, as if to say, "I am too weak & hopeless & outside the reach of the atonement by the Cross of Christ." Why aren't you a saint? It is either that you do not want to be a saint, or that you do not believe that God can make you into one. You say it would be all right if God saved you & took you straight to heaven. That is exactly what He will do! And not only do we make our home with Him, but Jesus said of His Father & Himself, "....We will come to him & make Our home with him" (John 14:23). Put no conditions on your life- let Jesus be everything to you, & He will take you home with Him not only for a day, but for eternity.
~Oswald hits the nail on the head in this excerpt, I can't help but to share it because it speaks to me (maybe to you?). Reading this truth brings me to my knees & who would I be if I didn't feel this deep within my bones? God is with me 24/7 & lives in me! I don't want the world to see me as a spotted giraffe or a stripped zebra, picking & choosing what is right or wrong for me from His holy word. The Bible is complete truth & I must believe & put it into action -ALL of it. This is my struggle, to have my new name written all over me! I must confess, so that I can be made whole. My prayer: "God, take me as I am & make me a saint. I am yours, may you be glorified in & through me. I desire my home to be with You forever. Father, please erase my pride, self-sufficiency, and self-interest. I love you Lord & thank you for your grace & mercy, for the sacrifice you made for us all."
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Fall or Fail
My sweet friend was so excited that I agreed to go biking with him on the trails of Pisgah National Forest that he bought me these new stylin' and profilin' bike shoes! We already biked on the roads the day before -down & UP the mountain, approximately 12 miles, no big deal right? Yeah, it wasn't until I was going so fast that I was too scared to stop! I screamed and shouted, letting it all out(thank you Will-i-am and Britney). Anywho, I thought if I could handle the roads, riding trails would be a cake walk; boy was I ever WRONG!
As we were climbing 1000 feet up on the bikes through rocks and unstable ground, I was out of breath and struggling to peddle. As I was dying, gasping for air, I thought it was impossible to go on. I screamed out loud, things I won't repeat yet, at that time felt necessary.
I told Lanier to go ahead of me because I knew I was holding him back. Truth was: I was exhausted and wanted to stop, as I did I began to cry and didn't want him to see me in my moment of weakness. I was mad at myself for not keeping in shape consistently over the past year and angry that I let myself believe that I couldn't go on. Then I realized there was more to my current circumstance than the physical aspect of climbing up a mountain. It went deeper than my muscles working, my emotions were stirring and fear was present. I came close to an edge of part of the trail and imagined falling.
My heart was racing and tears flowed like a waterfall. I didn't want to fall and get hurt, I didn't want to feel pain or break something. All I could think of was quitting. Seeing some of the drops from the trail I knew that death could be a possibility. Then a calm sensation came over me; was it me or God provoking thoughts of reassurance like: "What is the worse thing that could happen? You die, then what?" You see, I know when I leave this earthly body I will be with my Father in heaven, so what is there to be scared of? He's got me, if I fall, yeah, maybe I could break something or be scared for life. This comforted me because I was reminded how GINORMOUS my God is. No matter how sticky a situation gets and no matter what happens in my life I can stand on my rock, Jesus, and through his word I can grow stronger. My God is the same God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego whom he saved from the fire(Daniel chapter 3)! Do you know this?
Don't fall in love with money. Be satisfied with what you have. The Lord has promised that he will not leave us or desert us. That should make you feel like saying, “The Lord helps me! Why should I be afraid of what people can do to me?” (Hebrews 13:5, 6)
I am choosing to fear God and not man or anything in/on this earth because whatEVER comes while we are living here can't touch or even come close to what God has done and is doing! Trust me, I read da good book, I know who wins in the end! Reading the Bible and the stories of those before me I understand that there ain't no mountain high enough to keep me from Him!
What wakes me up the most is how unconscious I was because I was trying to do life alone. I didn't want to ask for help and attempted to be stubborn, yet I continually learn how weak I am, but praise God He is STRONG and He is my strength! It is very difficult when you do ask for help, get shot down, and must swallow your pride by again asking for more help. Noah didn't build the Ark in a day and the disciples asked Jesus questions non-stop, which reminds me how the word patience is written in the Bible more than one time. Waiting on God, not man......funny how God uses man to assist us in our patience learning process, huh? Sometimes, God sends us what or WHO we need to flourish.
So, YES.....I survived the 5 mile trail and came out with a few bumps and bruises, but most importantly my faith grew. The bruises remind of my pride and the challenging trail correlates with what we must endure to build our hope. I am humbled enough to know that I will fall and fail in this life, certainly not on purpose, yet I am secure in knowing I am not alone. I will forever have Jehovah~Shalom and Jehovah~Shammah with me, The Lord of Peace and The Lord my Companion.
Some of the trail wanted to come home with me. Hehehe. |
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Have a New Kid by Friday? Really Mr. Leman?
It was LOUD! The television was on full blast, kids were fighting, book bags emptied and spread all over the floors, names were being called, the sound of whining and crying could not escape my ears, the only one in control ~was chaos itself. I attempted to direct the children and started gathering up belongings from the ground and searched the cupboards for dinner, then it hit me: "Why am I not practicing reality discipline like that book I've been reading?" Obviously, I doubted it could help me! Of course there are times I want to give up! Why would anyone? Because parenting is like trying to be the president: NO ONE wants to listen to you and yet, they expect EVERYTHING from you. As a parent, you must learn to respond~ NOT react; be consistent; and have an undying perseverance or conviction to see the absolute best for your child.
So, this scary Tuesday evening as I finished up work and returned home to find unruly children with poor attitudes and demonic(using this word very lightly) characteristics I was pooped. I could not even hear my own voice. I put down the book-bags, walked out of the kitchen, and retreated to my bedroom where I locked the doors and laid down onto my haven of pillows.
Not even 5 minutes passed when I heard scratchings on my door from the claws of those tiny creatures trying to figure out how to unlock my bedroom door, I was scared - they found my hiding place. Unfortunately, these brilliant trolls found a way to unbar my refuge. In times of puzzlement they cleverly discover ways to get what they want at dashing speeds of light as if they were the spawn of Speedy Gonzales or Road Runner.
"Why are you being so lazy, MOM?" "You're being so mean, a big Meanie!" (I will save you and them from too much embarrassment by only including those two comments) I continued to sink deeper into my shield of fabric until I heard: "What's wrong, why are you ignoring us?" "Why are you NOT listening?"
I knew at this point their hearts were sincere so, I gently responded with: "If you do not listen to me, why should I listen to you? If you ignore me and my request then why should I do as you say? I am not your maid, you do not pay me. Disrespecting me will not gain my attention or trust." Their young eyes teared up and they replied: "So, you're not making us dinner?" I replied with "No, I don't feel like it." My 11 year old stood up and said: "Fine, I'll make dinner!" and stomped out of the room. I stayed in bed as the other children followed their brother as if he was the Pied Piper playing the magic flute, they happily believed he was holding the ticket to their rumbling tummies satisfaction.
It didn't take long before I heard Eve's sweet voice praying, saying grace. I got up to peek around the corner and to my amazement I caught my youngest three starting to eat macaroni and cheese at the table. I couldn't believe it, they were being nice to each other! My oldest son came downstairs and asked where his was, by that time the other siblings had already devoured the macaroni. He went into the kitchen, pulled out the bread and began to make him a pizza sandwich......was this the first time my oldest son prepared his own food???? By golly, I think it was!!!!!!
Right before I turned to walk away I looked at them and said "well done, now don't you feel good? Breakfast will be served at 6:30 and I will be in the car at 7:10, if you are not there you will miss breakfast and your ride to school." I retrieved to my bedroom & noticed how they followed, maybe with a bit of resentment towards me but, the house was soon completely quiet.
This morning my alarm went off at 6:15, as I was getting out of bed I heard little voices chatting at the top of the stairs and the sound of pattering feet. My children were up??? Without me hootin & hollering at them to get out of bed???? I was in shock, no one was fighting or calling names, they just assembled to the kitchen where they started eating breakfast (with a GOOD attitude)! At 7:05 I started walking out the front door to start the car. My 11 yr old happened to see me shutting the door and within 5 minutes all four of my children were in the car. I can't tell you how crazy, amazing this is! It might be your norm, but definitely not mine! Sometimes, kids just need some responsibility(apparently). Best school morning in the history of my feisty crew!
YES, Thank you Dr. Leman for helping me have some new kids by Wednesday!
Relating to this scenario, I recommend Ephesians 6:4.
So, this scary Tuesday evening as I finished up work and returned home to find unruly children with poor attitudes and demonic(using this word very lightly) characteristics I was pooped. I could not even hear my own voice. I put down the book-bags, walked out of the kitchen, and retreated to my bedroom where I locked the doors and laid down onto my haven of pillows.
Not even 5 minutes passed when I heard scratchings on my door from the claws of those tiny creatures trying to figure out how to unlock my bedroom door, I was scared - they found my hiding place. Unfortunately, these brilliant trolls found a way to unbar my refuge. In times of puzzlement they cleverly discover ways to get what they want at dashing speeds of light as if they were the spawn of Speedy Gonzales or Road Runner.
"Why are you being so lazy, MOM?" "You're being so mean, a big Meanie!" (I will save you and them from too much embarrassment by only including those two comments) I continued to sink deeper into my shield of fabric until I heard: "What's wrong, why are you ignoring us?" "Why are you NOT listening?"
I knew at this point their hearts were sincere so, I gently responded with: "If you do not listen to me, why should I listen to you? If you ignore me and my request then why should I do as you say? I am not your maid, you do not pay me. Disrespecting me will not gain my attention or trust." Their young eyes teared up and they replied: "So, you're not making us dinner?" I replied with "No, I don't feel like it." My 11 year old stood up and said: "Fine, I'll make dinner!" and stomped out of the room. I stayed in bed as the other children followed their brother as if he was the Pied Piper playing the magic flute, they happily believed he was holding the ticket to their rumbling tummies satisfaction.
It didn't take long before I heard Eve's sweet voice praying, saying grace. I got up to peek around the corner and to my amazement I caught my youngest three starting to eat macaroni and cheese at the table. I couldn't believe it, they were being nice to each other! My oldest son came downstairs and asked where his was, by that time the other siblings had already devoured the macaroni. He went into the kitchen, pulled out the bread and began to make him a pizza sandwich......was this the first time my oldest son prepared his own food???? By golly, I think it was!!!!!!
Right before I turned to walk away I looked at them and said "well done, now don't you feel good? Breakfast will be served at 6:30 and I will be in the car at 7:10, if you are not there you will miss breakfast and your ride to school." I retrieved to my bedroom & noticed how they followed, maybe with a bit of resentment towards me but, the house was soon completely quiet.
This morning my alarm went off at 6:15, as I was getting out of bed I heard little voices chatting at the top of the stairs and the sound of pattering feet. My children were up??? Without me hootin & hollering at them to get out of bed???? I was in shock, no one was fighting or calling names, they just assembled to the kitchen where they started eating breakfast (with a GOOD attitude)! At 7:05 I started walking out the front door to start the car. My 11 yr old happened to see me shutting the door and within 5 minutes all four of my children were in the car. I can't tell you how crazy, amazing this is! It might be your norm, but definitely not mine! Sometimes, kids just need some responsibility(apparently). Best school morning in the history of my feisty crew!
YES, Thank you Dr. Leman for helping me have some new kids by Wednesday!
Relating to this scenario, I recommend Ephesians 6:4.
Friday, March 22, 2013
Lately, I've been nesting. Fixing my house up just the way I see most fit and functional. I have many plans for this house that I grew up in, memories in every corner and nook. The children and I see nothing but, opportunity and adventure! Thanks to my mom, we are making it our own with new memories and laughter in every single room. I believe that is what my father would have wanted for us. I am now the care taker of my childhood home and am honored to keep it beautiful and safe. As I was talking to a friend this evening that is currently struggling to understand why they have to be somewhere and telling me they could do better on their own, I was enlightened. You see, I felt the same as my friend not too long ago. I thought I could grow more and succeed better anywhere else rather than in my hometown. When I was away from here: pay was better, stress was gone, and people were more accepting. Favorable circumstances occurred and life seemed effortless! As I returned to the place I once called home I felt taken advantage of, judged, lost in a dry land of ritual and legalism. People seemed harsh, unhappy, angry and stuck. It was HARD and I didn't want to come back. I literally hid from everything and everyone. I learned it was not the town or people, it was me and my perception. I told my friend this, and then noticed the bar-stool my kids and I painted the day before and said to my buddy:
"Look at your life and circumstances this way: You are an artist(you will understand this), when you create a piece of artwork - you see it as a masterpiece. It's yours and you created it. Well, God created you and when he looks at you - He SEES HIS MASTERPIECE! Only He can envision the WHOLE picture and scheme of things(like a director of a film). We can only see what is in front of us, not the end or deleted scenes. God knows what's best (He's been there and done that) and we MUST trust Him! You can't trust man, that includes yourself! Man screws everything up. Trust God with your life, the one who created you for it. When we attempt to do it ourselves or try to take control and do things the worlds way, I don't think that we can become the masterpiece He designed for us to be (without Him/the Creator). It's only when we realize that we desperately need Him to become the masterpiece He has designed us to be. Then, we can discover why we are here and what our purpose is! Seek Him and FIND Him, our creator, because when we see with His eyes what we are and how He sees us, we will be completely satisfied. By spending time with the one that knit us together we discover our purpose and what we were made for. He views us as beautiful, priceless, YES! WE ARE HIS JOY! Just like when we delight in our workmanship."
We are God's MASTERPIECE! We can't fully be what we were created to be if we aren't plugged into the one that can maintain us and guide us to our destiny. We might not reach our fullest potential if we don't get charged by our Creator, our Source of energy and strength. Sometimes I'm foolish and run from the one that wants the BEST for me. I cave into gullible thinking that I can discover better for my life. I don't trust man, which translates "why trust myself?" I know I will definitely mess up.
Point: We really and truly can't be what we were created to be without our Creator. Art doesn't just happen, there is ALWAYS an artist with a master plan! Try to trust the one that sees the BIG picture and not your own tunnel vision.
p.s. Take a look at this video, Pledge isn't just for cleaning furniture!
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Humans fail
Last night, my dog Tiger was with me in the attic going through some boxes to find something I lost in my most recent move. As I walked out and passed the rat poison bait box, it was empty. Every single pellet was gone as I noticed my dog licking her lips. I freaked out, got on my phone and dialed every vet umber in town. Turns out there are no emergency vet clinics in my town that are open on the weekends and weekday nights, the only ones available are an hour away. I grabbed the peroxide and started making Tiger drink it to induce vomiting, nothing. The kids were crying, I was shoving peroxide down Tiger's mouth and life was not calm. I had that drop in my stomach feeling. My ex husband and his wife showed up, which turns out she adores animals. In all the chaos, one of my kids called them. Brooke asked if she and Adam could take Tiger to Columbia since I had the kids and the peroxide wasn't working. I was fine with that, seeing how I was on the verge of losing my only consistent companion. Brooke's phone rang and it was a friend of hers that worked at a local vet facility in town and she got a hold of the veterinarian. One hour later, Tiger was vomiting up the poison, hooked up to an iv and eating charcoal like a champ. Thanks to the two people in my life that I usually don't get along with. Tiger, was dying, she ate something that she thought tasted good. Like many of us, we think what we want is good, yet in all actually brings us death. I thought working 24/7 when I didn't have the kids was good, but I'm laying here in bed sick because I haven't taken care of myself. Everyday I wake up & rush out the door to a job or help out someone and only devote a few minutes to Bible reading and talking to my Creator. I forget to eat and find out at the end of the day I never exercised. This is NOT something that should be normal. I'm eating poison, the poison of this world that says its okay to work work work and never acknowledge our Father that patiently waits for us to spend time with Him so that he might nourish and encourage us (reminding us, that this too shall pass).
Truth is, I failed. I fail daily at loving someone that constantly sees only the negative in me and reminds me of this daily. They failed, they fail at remembering I'm not God and never will be perfect even though I strive to be more like my Heavenly Father(wanting less of me and more of Him). I fail at getting things done, being on time, being a good friend, and keeping a positive outlook. Humans fail, there is not one soul I can depend on to save me, take care of me, love me NO MATTER what. There is only one that cares that much and can go above and beyond temporarily using His children to share His unconditionally love and grace. God is God for a reason, because we as humans screw everything up. Yet, when we take the time to listen to Him- the world changes because we start to see through His eyes. His vision is way better than anything we can imagine.
Doors were fixed, pine straw was laid out in the yard, pictures were hung, toilet seat was put on, bunk bed was made safe and secure, new rugs in the hall, kitchen and bathrooms, sweet smelling candles in every room, laundry done, refrigerator full of my favorite foods, shelves stocked with paper towels and toilet paper! POINT made! God showed up and used his precious people to do it! They more than listened, they took action! God didn't fail, we might at times, but He redeems us and that's when we get that second, third or forth chance to be His hands and feet. Thank you Leslie, Bo, Jennie, Brian, Wendy, Ben, Leslie, Lindsey, Justin, Christyn, Victoria and family, Lourdes, Mike, MOM, and YES....thank you Adam and Brooke. Thank you all for putting yourself aside and putting on Christ. It's amazing I fail, yet God still LOVES me ALWAYS! Now is the time to be with Him, seek Him, find Him, through His word and always remembering the things He has done!
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Aren't we all Rascals?
When I heard Eve screaming I knew something was wrong. She was walking around the house holding our new(2 hours into the life of 4 kids and a dog of a single mom) hamster: Rascal. I ran into the room and there was Eve with big crocodile tears streaming down her face screaming "I'm so sorry! I didn't know! I'm so sorry!" as she handed me what looked like a wet hairball. It was Rascal, turns out that Tiger(our golden retriever/beagle) thought Rascal would make a great dinner. He was frozen and not moving, no breath, I grabbed some kleenex and cuddled him in my hands. Took him upstairs as I simply believed he was still alive because he was warm. I just had faith God was bigger, I laid him face up on the bathroom counter and still nothing. I thought: "Lord, how cool if you brought him back to the land of the living." Then I noticed his tummy moving slowly up and down. He stretched out his tiny arms and began to roll over.
God isn't finished with him, yet! Neither is He with you or I!
Monday, January 28, 2013
Why I get along better with non-christians than christians
When I was down right in the mess and ugliness of my sin, there were three people that came along and held me through it, they put on Christ and revealed his presence to me through their actions. I was wrong and hurting people. Yet, these God sent friends covered me in prayer and literally baby-sat/took care of my kids when I needed help, watched over them and me. They cared when no one else would, they gave me money to survive while other christians couldn't see past my sin and refused to reach out to me. Instead of building me up, I was kicked down, instead of a gentle correction they were harsh and cold. They knew I had a relationship with God and were angry to see how I kept on sinning. Most christians just judged me and let me be, for the life of them they didn't know how to love me or accept me and show me God's character. In my falling down I felt abandoned and rebuked. That was NOT Jesus, Jesus doesn't do that. He would have held me, he would have come along and taken my hand and directed me to the heart of God. Knowing my name is tattooed into the palm of God's hand, He saved me by His grace alone. When others didn't reach out and extend a hand, I didn't get angry, I grew. I grew knowing that to be more like Him I had to walk through the pain. It requires intense understanding and mercy given to one to learn how to do the same with others. Loving the unlovable, the complainers, the greedy, the misguided, the ignorant, the haters, the angry, the backstabbers, the merciless, the abusive, yes THIS can be done. How do I know? Jesus did it. To be more like Christ it takes love and grace, not judgement or condemnation. It takes His amazing eyes that looked upon me and his sweet mouth that spoke to me in gentleness. It took the body of Christ, the REAL body of Christ to show me my sin- Jesus style, so I could I finally rest in my Father's arms. I only continued to sin when the fake body(masquerading around in sheep clothing) didn't know how to love and were too angry with me because they saw the sin that only reflected the planks of pride in their eyes. They could not recognize and discern how or what I needed as a fallen child of the King, not understanding that I just needed to be picked up and not pushed down.
I know I'm a sinner and I get along best with sinners, because WHOM am I to judge? There are SO many freakishly uptight christians, sad but true! A lot don't know how to be normal and accepting, or don't understand what it is to be real and end up hiding who they really are. This can be scary, but what's scarier is thinking you know God and in all actuality you don't because you're not seeking Him. When we seek Him, love Him, and KNOW Him; it reflects in our lives and HOW we communicate with others. I'm the worst at living the gospel. The only difference between me and non-christians is: the Cross. I have confessed and laid down my sin at the Cross (where Christ died) and believe in Him as my Lord and Savior. I could NEVER save myself, that's why God sent Jesus for us! The Cross gives me access to have the relationship I have with God. God's grace showers me everyday and gives me hope. I goof up daily, yet knowing my past and understanding God's love for me overwhelms me with a passion to draw closer towards Him which in turn fires a flame in me to be more like him. I relate best with non-christians because I can't hide my flaws, I accept people the way they are because that's how God accepts me. Christians that proclaim Jesus yet, don't know how to love as Jesus does have a hard time with someone like me. Why you ask? I don't know, you figure it out because frankly, I really don't care. I'm just going to keep on loving EVERY single person I meet. Yup, that includes gays, christians, killers, trans-genders, adulterers, drug addicts, fat people, skinny people, porn stars, mean people, funny people, tax collectors, the homeless, and WHATEVER PPL!
Last time I read Ephesians 4:11-13 it said "Christ gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to EQUIP HIS PEOPLE FOR WORKS OF SERVICE, so that the body of Christ may be built up! until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ."
If you see a need- FILL it, be the hands and feet of Christ. That small tingle when you see a car accident or someone struggling to stay warm or a mom trying to carry too much, THAT is God/the Holy Spirit speaking to you, telling you to stop your busy schedule and share Him! Hug the soul that just got hit by another car OR dare to hug freely the one that caused the accident, give the shivering soul the coat off your own back and a fresh cup of hot chocolate, go alongside the mother holding the baby at the grocery store and put her groceries up on the check out counter from her cart. Don't just pick one! Constantly, continuously, BE what Jesus has commanded us to be: His disciples. People that not only know His words and go to church weekly but FOLLOWERS that actually follow his ways! We should be his(God's) biggest fans, passionately desiring to become more like him.
I know I'm a sinner and I get along best with sinners, because WHOM am I to judge? There are SO many freakishly uptight christians, sad but true! A lot don't know how to be normal and accepting, or don't understand what it is to be real and end up hiding who they really are. This can be scary, but what's scarier is thinking you know God and in all actuality you don't because you're not seeking Him. When we seek Him, love Him, and KNOW Him; it reflects in our lives and HOW we communicate with others. I'm the worst at living the gospel. The only difference between me and non-christians is: the Cross. I have confessed and laid down my sin at the Cross (where Christ died) and believe in Him as my Lord and Savior. I could NEVER save myself, that's why God sent Jesus for us! The Cross gives me access to have the relationship I have with God. God's grace showers me everyday and gives me hope. I goof up daily, yet knowing my past and understanding God's love for me overwhelms me with a passion to draw closer towards Him which in turn fires a flame in me to be more like him. I relate best with non-christians because I can't hide my flaws, I accept people the way they are because that's how God accepts me. Christians that proclaim Jesus yet, don't know how to love as Jesus does have a hard time with someone like me. Why you ask? I don't know, you figure it out because frankly, I really don't care. I'm just going to keep on loving EVERY single person I meet. Yup, that includes gays, christians, killers, trans-genders, adulterers, drug addicts, fat people, skinny people, porn stars, mean people, funny people, tax collectors, the homeless, and WHATEVER PPL!
Not understanding someone does NOT justify not helping them or serving them. Of course its easy to wash others feet that you love and get along with. Yet, its hard to serve those that have hurt us or those we judge, we struggle helping people that are totally different from us in the light of perception and views, people we don't clique with or feel comfortable around. When we assume that someone already has others to assist them or the government will take care of them, that's where we as christians have failed and deny 1 Corinthians 12:25-27. Is it truth or not? "there should be no division in the body(of Christ), but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it. Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is part of it."
If you see a need- FILL it, be the hands and feet of Christ. That small tingle when you see a car accident or someone struggling to stay warm or a mom trying to carry too much, THAT is God/the Holy Spirit speaking to you, telling you to stop your busy schedule and share Him! Hug the soul that just got hit by another car OR dare to hug freely the one that caused the accident, give the shivering soul the coat off your own back and a fresh cup of hot chocolate, go alongside the mother holding the baby at the grocery store and put her groceries up on the check out counter from her cart. Don't just pick one! Constantly, continuously, BE what Jesus has commanded us to be: His disciples. People that not only know His words and go to church weekly but FOLLOWERS that actually follow his ways! We should be his(God's) biggest fans, passionately desiring to become more like him.
Romans 12:1-3 says "Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God- this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is- his good, pleasing and perfect will. For by the grace given me I say to every one of you; Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of you."
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