Thursday, March 11, 2010

Pain & Suffering

There is a reason for pain & suffering, although I can not see it just quite, yet. This too shall pass & when morning breaks I may discover the lesson learned to get me through my heartache.

1 comment:

  1. Kara....I have tears in my eyes from reading your profoundly written 2 sentences. You have a way with words, my dear. Know I feel your pain. I may not understand what you're going through, but I understand pain, loss, regrets, and suffering. There's no easy answer, but you're right....even through your heartbreak God will wrap his arms around you and hold you tight. You are one of the strongest people I know, and you will discover the reason, or maybe "part" of the reason, but reason or not, you'll come out stronger and more passionate because of it. You're so wise. I love that about you. I wish so badly I could visit you and we could sit and talk over coffee or ice-cream. : ) You're in my thoughts and prayers today.

    I'm sending love your way....
    Heather Finlayson Lindquist
