Friday, February 19, 2010


Eve woke up screaming & crying, she was scared. It was dark, so she probably felt lost. She cried out for me, so I ran to pick her up in my arms to let her know that she wasn't alone. I was there to comfort & hold her, assuring her that there was nothing to fear. I wiped away the tears that were rolling down her face & tucked her by my side, where she fell back to sleep. I believe that happens to us all the time. We get to these points in life where we are completely lost, in the dark, afraid, lonely, fearing the worst & crying out for help. And, if we just say His name: Jesus.....he's there, wiping away our tears that have been streaming down our cheeks. Bending over to put us on his shoulder and carry us to safety. For it is God that loves us whole, only he can calm our thoughts and remind us that He is our daddy. Our security blanket, our assurance, that he is just those things. Daddy holds us, to let us experience the rest we need. The rest that only occurs tucked in by his side.

1 comment:

  1. Praise the Lord Girl. I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE this post. I sooo feel like little Eve sometimes. My children constantly help me see the relationship between our heavenly father and me.
    You're awesome.
    Loved this, thought you should know.
