Sunday, September 27, 2009

Nothing else should matter.....

I am here, sitting, pondering. Trying to fight my emotions. Why can't I just think more logically? I do not necessarily act on my emotions, I just get caught up in them. I know how it feels to be knocked down and NOT want to get up again. Throughout my life there have been people to push me down: emotionally, spiritually and physically. Being that I'm an Aquarius, I refuse to stay down. I get up EVERY time, sometimes it might take me longer, still, I get up. One significant factor is that I have assistance. It's more than help, it's my hero and he has an impregnable grip on me. For that matter, he has an intense grasp on you, too. For HE is OUR creator, our Saviour, our King, our EVERYTHING!

Why do I choose to love God so passionately? He loves me through my weaknesses, my pain, my scars and faults, there is no blemish of mine that is hidden from him. Who else is glad to put up with me? He has never turned away, he shares his artwork with me through the beauty of the Earth. He encourages me with words of affirmation, he pursues me. He desires my time, he craves a relationship with me! How amazing that the author of life aspires to heal my inmost being, that I may be full of joy. This is why I often say, "Yes, Lord use me. Mold me that I might be more like you and less of this shady persona." Nothing else should matter! Eternity is knowing him -the lover of our souls. I am lost without him, lonely and desperate. Only he can massage my heart to keep me alive.


  1. Awesome Kara! Thanks, I really needed that perspective on my life right now!

    Love you
    Louise Lassen (Denmark)

  2. You made me smile. Not because of the pain- for that I am sorry and pained for you, I know you are indeed with a good grip on Jesus, so you will get up again. No, what made me smile is you getting strength from being an Aquarius and from Jesus at the same time. You are an unique one girl! I must say though, there are a lot of us non-Aquarius types who refuse to stay down too. I'm rooting for you sweetums. Hope to see you later next month.
