Thursday, September 3, 2009

It hurts

I mentioned in my last blog that I am human and make mistakes on a daily basis. It's challenging when others unintentionally hurt you or you feel the repercussions of their mistakes. At times I ache, I cry, I hurt, I don't want to feel this way. I can't exercise enough or distract myself by having fun with friends because it remains. This pain will not leave. Pain from losing someone to cancer, sadness from separation, and disappointment from people that judge or let you down. I will crawl out of this sorrow, for this too shall pass, this is only for a season. Every season is different, like the cycle of the weather throughout the years, our lives travel through cycles. Birth, growth, death. It continues and so do we. I lean not onto my own heart, for it is wayward. So, like a lost child scared I call out for my security, the only strength I know that is capable of the impossible. Yes, I am not alone. I have hope when my well is dry. I have water that nourishes my soul. I do believe, I will cling on, for the Lord my God keeps me......He keeps me, never to let go.

1 comment:

  1. You are an inspiration to me even though you are going through your own personal hell. Kara, hold on for I know that God has given you a life filled with the love of a child, a sister, a mother, a daughter, a friend, a teacher, and God is going to continue to bless you every single moment of your life ahead. Even when it seems too much, hold on and know that you have friends and family that love you and will stand in the gap when you feel to weak to make it and pray. I love you and I don't say these words lightly. I look up to you and I know that many others do too. Never accept the negative things that people may say, because I know that Kara Adams Evans is the apple of God's eye, his daughter, and He loves you so much.
    Sincerely from my heart,
    Tina Brown
