Sunday, August 28, 2016

Self Absorbed

Some people are so self absorbed they don't care about the well being of anyone else. The only thing they care about is if it will directly affect them. They feel hurt and pain, and call out the victim card. What makes someone great? Someone who sees past their own skin and embraces others. When we as humans get stuck in our own world, we only cause more suffering and abuse. That is where we choose to be. We may think "I didn't do this! How did I create this? I didn't ask for cancer, I didn't ask for financial struggle, or how did I ask to be abused by my parents or spouse????" It boils down to our thoughts, our way of thinking, not the outcome. I've caught myself saying "well, I knew that would happen." When something unpleasant occurs, what is your reaction? When someone mistreats you, do you respond with pure love or are there thoughts that want revenge and justice? Stepping outside of ourselves to understand why people select an unhealthy, negative emotion that will inflict hurt or create conflict is a start to evolving as the human race. Growth, it can be painful, yet it is necessary for change, for healing, and any form of success. There is so much more depth to someone's trained behavior. Digging deep, peeling off the layers (with compassion) to get to the root cause of another's hostility, bitterness, negativity, or physical pain is HOW we can be able to not only tolerate others with these issues, yet learn how to respond and be around them. The easy response would be to say "choose love." It is waaaaay more difficult than that, we must re-program our minds. We must become self aware to transition from self absorbency into selflessness. Reaching out to others, being compassionate and understanding....being the change we want to see in the world. There are 1000's of steps to do this, but for right now I need to finish making these homemade pancakes for the kiddos. Another blog or book for another day....

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