Sunday, July 24, 2016


I will stay here and wait for you. I will rest my head upon the sand as I watch the waves wash over the footprints of those that claimed promises never kept. I let I see them disappear. Water is healing, see how the rain brings life and washes over the earth. It is refreshing and nourishes everything it touches. My soul longs for this restoration, it needs comfort and a place to plant roots. Yet, all I've ever known from humans is the pain of being picked up as if a flower, admired for a few minutes then tossed back to the ground to be trampled upon. This is how I have come to the conclusion that we can not seek everlasting peace or experience complete acceptance here on earth. People will disappoint you, leave you, use you, curse you, manipulate you, hurt you, lie to you, and God knows what else. So, who am I waiting for? The only one that loves me of course, who sees me for who I truly am and still pursues me. I am never alone, through every storm, every trial, every time I fall down....he is here with me. I will sing, worship, give my heart, lay my life down because HE IS WORTHY! He created me and reigns forever, I love him and WAIT for him. He is the only one that continues to hold me together through it all. This hope is my strength and my joy. Nothing can separate me from his love. I fear nothing because fear alone is False Evidence Appearing Real. The tangible is temporary. Isn't it amazing that the first breathe we take coming into this world is an inhale, receiving life, and the last breathe we take dying is an exhale, giving life. Closing note: I no longer live in fear, I no longer feel your painful words or attempts of humiliation because I AM worthy, I AM strong. I AM NOT AFRAID! I see glory that this world has no clue about, I long to be where I belong and look upon the face that I love. To stay in the presence of God is the biggest adventure of all.

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