Nothing ever goes as planned. I started my day yesterday waking up thinking I was going to get my list done. It was a simple list: get the oil changed in my car, take my glasses back to the store to be fixed, grab a new phone at at&t(mine decided to give up), wash my car(he hadn't been cleaned in 3 whole weeks), be at work by 10am, and pick the kids up by 2:10pm. It started with me not wanting to wake from my slumber. The night before I was up late finishing my research paper due the following day. My body was not quite ready for Kara mode yet.
You see, this is not the normal me. I usually have energy, but lately I've been lacking in that department due to the demands I've placed upon myself. I thought that being a mother of 4 wonderful children and managing 4 jobs to support them was not exactly enough, so I applied to be a full time student! Four classes on-line hit just the right spot, to insanity that is.
I started feeling the extra cushion on my hips last week. The tightness of my favorite jeans didn't keep me from rolling into my local Krispy Kreme(with the HOT NOW sign lit) after work and right before bible study. I am less into getting to the gym to work out and more into my studies and work schedule. I am officially now a curvaceous woman and okay with that. What on earth does this have to do with the picture of the totaled car above? Well, everything! I didn't plan on putting on 10 lbs since the new year started. I didn't plan on being a 35 year old single mom, I never planned on losing my father to a brain tumor, I never hoped to lose friends along my journey in this life (I only thought we gained them), and I did NOT think when I woke yesterday morning that I would ever end up -upside down in my 7 month old Prius.
As I left the house I saw that it was already 8:45 so I told myself what is the ONE thing on your list that must be done. It was the phone, I needed a phone for communication with the important people in my kids. My T-mobile phone totally got an attitude and called it quits. I have been with them since Suncom(16 years), I wanted a change. As I drove up to the AT&T store I was the first customer there. The lady was super nice and even nicer when she realized who my mother was. My mom is the phone "go to" lady at Dixie Cup. She helps deal with the more than 40 cell phones they have through AT&T. I just wanted my McLeod employee discount, I love not paying full price for things(I have to, I have 4 kids and I live in SC- please). I couldn't transfer my phone numbers from my t-mobile phone over to my new at&t phone. I was used to no communication from the previous days(where my phone blacked out and I couldn't see text or make calls), so I just threw the my new phone into my car and took off for work.
I was about half way to work and ready to teach my yoga class. It was raining and there was more traffic than usual. I thanked God for the encouragement from the night before. I expressed my desire to know him and told him how lonely I was. I was thankful for everything he has been teaching me and then it happened. The truck to the right pulled out in front of me to pass the mack truck he was behind. I pushed on the brakes to slow down and not hit him, but the wheels kept turning and I was not slowing down. I refused to hit the back of him so I veered to the left because the mack truck was beside us. I hit the grass on the median and thought to myself: "this is not going to be good." There was a small ditch that bounced me off the grass and onto the on-coming traffic. I didn't want to get hit so I started to turn my steering wheel, my car wasn't on the ground quite yet, so when it did land at the angle the tires were -my car turned over onto the side. I put my arms over my head as the car started to flip and feel the pavement impacting from every angle. Glass was shattering all around me. It was then I knew I was okay. I wasn't scared, I knew I was in the right place at the right time. I didn't see my life flash in front of my eyes, it was as if God was saying "It's not your time, yet." I felt peace, I honestly felt as if someone was holding me in place. You see, I don't remember putting my seatbelt on. I admit that I hate wearing a seatbelt and usually only do when my kids are with me. I even got a ticket the month before for NOT wearing a seatbelt. Anyway, when the car stopped spinning and I was hanging upside down I thought to myself "How did I get buckled?" "what am I going to do? I don't know anyones number and I don't even know where my phone is." I unbuckled and gathered my belongings when I saw feet through the window. Then the voices, "Are you okay in there?" "Oh my gosh, she's moving around in there!" "Do you need help getting out?" I crawled out of the window on top of all the shattered glass and hugged a beautiful woman by the name of Carol. Carol looked at me and we knew each other. She told me "what a miracle!" "God has got a purpose for you." The ambulance arrived and took me to the hospital on a back board because my neck and head were throbbing. I kept thinking how am I going to pick up the kids? As they rolled me into the emergency room all I saw was the ceiling. Then I saw Bill. Bill is a dear friend that has probably been through about the same amount of crap as I have. He works in the ER and we go to the same church, Newspring. He happens to be in my Bible study. I started to cry a little. I thought I was going to have to be alone in this crisis, yet God had made sure I wasn't. Bill called my mother for me and my ex-husband, so he could pick up the kids, in case something went south of the border. Yea, I cried. I got all sissy like and let the tears salt up my face. It was when nobody was with me, but yes I cried. Eventually, I thought of my kids and smiled big! I am thankful, thankful to have this chance, thankful for life, thankful. You see, I never planned this life, but He did and I'm cool with whatever he has in store for me. I had to slow down, I was told to remain still until everything checked out okay. It is in those moments when we can hear Him clearly. If your staying busy to keep your focus off of something, be careful because you might end up with one of these "What just happened?" moments.
KARA! I am so glad you are okay my sweets... I feel you sister. My last year has been pure hell. There are times I don't know which way is up and I feel completely lost. But, I go on. Somehow I do.
ReplyDeleteI love you dear, I'm with you in spirit.
So glad you're ok.
ReplyDeleteKara again soo Glad you are okay!! I love taking care of your kids!!!!!! They are such a handful and will bring joy to anyones day. God definately has more for you to do on earth.
ReplyDeleteKara, So glad that God was holding you safely in His arms that day. What a miracle, thank you for sharing the experience so personally. You are an amazingly strong woman! God Bless!
ReplyDeleteMuch Love!
Wow, what an incredible story. The reason the wheels kept turning was probably because the anti-lock brakes engaged to keep you from locking up the wheels on the wet road. Anyway, I'm very glad you're ok. God Bless you!