Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Let go or crash

There are some things I can not seem to let go of.....have you ever felt that way? Maybe its a materialistic object such as that favorite Christmas tree ornament, that unforgettable photograph, or the incredible, soft t-shirt that fits like your skin. Perhaps its a memory that runs so deep it seems as if it was yesterday, or the scent of that certain someone you never want to have to live without.
Then there are times I feel as if I'm running on empty, you know the moment you look down to your gas meter as the car is slowing down and you realize you forgot to fill the car up with -what's that stuff called again- oh yeah, gasoline. Well, our bodies can totally relate, we require food and rest. When those are absent we tend to dry up like a worm on the sidewalk in the summer time. For the past 3 months I have battled strep throat, which took 3 rounds of antibiotics to finally shoot down and last week I finished taking steroids to help get over the bronchitis that was stealing my voice. So, what does not letting go of something, running out of steam, and getting sick have in common? Well, there are some things in life that if not let go of will only bring us unwanted stress and physical disease. It will only eat us from the inside, making us so delusional that we can't imagine living without it. I've felt that with working out, with a man, with zest for attention, and you know what? There came a time when those things lost their appeal, the candy didn't taste as good anymore. The appearance was so scrumptious looking, very tempting yet my thirst, my quenching wasn't being filled. I needed something real and satisfying, something that would last. I had to let go of the comfortable things, be sick of the attachments and how they drained my soul and body. To finally come to the place where I would allow rescue from the crash ahead, because I had not quite recovered from the one I was in prior.
Now, I KNOW. The only thing that I desire to not be without is Him: my lover, my best friend, my ALL. My God, He gives me peace, and all I have to do to get it is be still. I've been with, I've been without, I don't know how I've made it this far, but I have. I can only thank Him and the ones that allow Him to be used by Him. Some are clueless, don't even know He is using them for His glory.....those are the best! Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Praying you allow Him to fill you up to overflowing & He seeps into any empty places. He is healer. Love this post. A place we all need to be...
