Friday, November 27, 2009

Life can be good

Yes, life can be good despite the choices we make. We are full of bad choices, we are ordinary and plain. Yet, there is ONE that sees the worth in us.
I have four AMAZING children and I love them so much it hurts at times. I desire the utmost for them. I want them to know this is not where life begins, our life begins when we find God. Without knowing our Creator, it is pointless. When we discover a slice of Him, we have a glimpse of hope and who we are. Our lives are meant to be so that we may plumage through all the shit and treasure what is real. Children, spouses, sisters, brothers, friends, we are all tangible and the depths of us are overwhelmingly beyond our control. When I seek comfort I will find none, unless I seek the right source. This world we live in is scary and full of lies, it is not our fault. People are human and can only make their decisions based on what they grew up in and around, yet there is a possibility if we dig deep enough awareness can arise. Should we cast blame or seek the truth, what is hidden in our hearts? I am desperate for peace, I long for truth, there is something that stirs within that I must not ignore. Life is more than struggling through each day, there is more than pain. We can find ourselves in a hole that appears preposterous to get out, nothing we presume will get harder. Then it happens, the disaster in us, the tornado from our past, the jagged knife that rips us in half. A few of you know what I'm describing, some are clueless, others will unfortunately tread later. The loss of a loved one, the unborn that never have a chance, the abuse of another, the raping of ones soul, body or mind, rejection, self sacrifice or the injustice of a cruel system. How we embrace this disease, this sorrow, this affliction is the key. Are we oblivious to it, attempt to run away from it, linger in the depression, or tackle it head on?
Yes, life can be good. Opening our eyes to observe the light that shines in through the blinds, that burst through the clouds which originated from such a compelling star(unlike any other in the universe). The author of this bright light is so powerful and can demonstrate to us how not only to survive, but LIVE! It may take some time to see it, then again it may not.....let the sun shine on you, that you may know life is good. That you may know God is good and only desires the utmost for you. Our decisions can lead us into trouble, yet our God can lead us to a life full of light.

1 comment:

  1. I love you Kara.
    Thanks for taking the time to write this.
    I feel more 'connected' to you because of it.
