Tomorrow is my son Andrew's 8th birthday. He makes me smile in ways he will never know. He is talented and smart, he enjoys making others grin. Hence, his teachers remark of how he has become the class clown. When I'm feeling sarcastic or throwing a joke out around the kids assuming they won't hear me or understand.....I get wind of Andrews smirk. He baffles me and I find him completely charming in every way. I am aware of the slight favor, due to the fact that he is my son. What tickles me most is his incredible resemblance to my father. His frame is stunningly just like my fathers was at his age. He is quiet at times, ADORES the color orange due to his Clemson fever, watches over his younger sister with compassion and can remember the lyrics to any song! He once told me he was going to work at a bank so that he could be around money all the time. He loves math and art, he is wise in his purchases...looking at ways to save and find the cheapest route. The boy can make me laugh, that's why he shadows my dad. I am so proud of you Andrew! My heart was full of joy the day you were born and now overflows beyond measure because of you. You are such a treasure to our family, just keep being you -that's what you do best! Happy Birthday sweet-pea, I love you.
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