Sunday, March 10, 2019

brush yo hair!

When I was younger, I absolutely despised brushing my hair. If I did, it would look like a fully grown chia pet. Every morning my mother would tell me, "Kara, BRUSH YOUR HAIR." Sometimes I would attempt to listen and painfully obeyed, leaving me quite embarrassed. I ask myself 33 years later "why?" Why was I embarrassed about having frizzy curly hair? Why am I still embarrassed if I don't look completely 'put together'? Not that I honestly try at all, yet if I pass by another woman that does appear to have her shit together and looks UH-mazing, I immediately feel incompetent. Yes, at 43 years old I randomly get intimidated. Is it because I don't understand I'm enough, or I'm comparing myself? Who am I supposed to be comparing myself to anyway? I'm not young, I'm not in shape like I was a few years ago, and there's a chance I've forgotten where I left my apartment key. Brushing hair is overrated, and apparently sleep is too, as I sit up in my bunk bed typing this pointless blog entry. Oh yeah, have I mentioned I sleep in the top bunk of my crashpad that host about 22-25 people? It's a three bedroom apartment with about 4 bunks per room...its not too bad. I pay about $300 per month and everyone is rarely here at the same time because we are all flight attendants on different schedules. New flight attendants deserve a reality tv show, with a theme song and a voice resembling Robin Leach saying: Lifestyles of the Bitches and Shameless. Until next time, good night.

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