Sunday, October 4, 2015

It's none of your business

When we wonder or take the time to ponder on others lives, thinking "if only he/she would.." Or perhaps say something along the lines of: "my life would be so much easier or better if they...." We are wasting time & energy. The older I get the more I realize it's not about how others react or treat me, they only know what they have created or been programmed to believe. The habits they live out and thoughts they've formed are theirs. It's not my, or anyone else's, job to change them. If they become aware or conscious then they have the decision if they want to grow or develop into more, unveiling their limitless potential. It is our task to focus on our own energy, where we want to go, determining what kind of life we want to live. If someone upsets you with what they say or do, your consciousness is trying to show you something about you. Are you being abused by someone's words, fists, or attitude? You are allowing that & therefore abusing yourself. Are you being hurt by someone's actions, let's be are hurting yourself. I've recently seen this in a friend, she keeps choosing to go back into a bad relationship (repeating the same scenario with the same person or different ppl) saying "if I do this differently he will love me, or if I change this and submit to his every want...we will succeed as a couple." What she doesn't realize is that he is living in his own world. She can not control or influence what he chooses to do, no matter how much she desires to make things better, nothing will change. He will continue to manipulate, brain wash, and abuse her because she is not only allowing it yet, because she is abusing herself more as she determines the amount of pain that she will tolerate. The amount of suffering she permits others to do to her is a direct result of how she sees herself and the suffering she is placing upon herself. It is much easier to read about this or hear rather then physically face in our own adversity. When you have a spouse, child, or loved one that you care deeply for, you perhaps open yourself up to being attached. You start to take things personal. It's really not about you. The painstaking words, spells, and outburst of another casting this upon you is from that person's own dwellings/dealings of heaviness. Until they wake up, they do not understand what they are doing, possibly resulting in blaming others/you for such actions. Focus on what you can do for you, if your loved ones continues to create pain in their lives, let them. You are not responsible for them, you are only responsible for you. That being said: be love, be patient, be kind, and meditate. This too shall pass, rest easy, peace is always present so, allow it to flow freely. Let go of judgement, no matter what is said or done because, it's not about you, don't make or take it personal. Focus forward.

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