Monday, April 16, 2012


I don't want to be here, I hate this town. I know hate is a strong word, but I do…..I want to be away from this place so badly! I just want a fresh start at times. To not know anyone and build new relationships, no one knowing where you came from and not having a clue about you…..your almost a mystery. Unfortunately there are perks to being in the town you grew up in. You know half or more of the people in it, so your THAT familiar face. "Your so and so right?" "Yeah, that's me." Ding ding ding! You just won the medal for the gift of the obvious! GOOD FOR YOU!
Right now I'm trying to trust God, many of my friends don't understand this. You see a lot of people want to argue with me about what they believe, I could care less. Give me someone to give food to or clothe and that is where I would rather be than debating what is right and wrong(cause that is just pathetically draining).
I saw someone today that I haven't seen in a while and it was as if God was telling me: 'THIS is WHY you are HERE!' I realized I have these relationships that have built over my lifetime here and God designated me to be a part of these lives & they- apart of mine. I know this is a season, I just want it to pass. I must press on. I can not be detailed lately, but the time will come and you will just have to buy the book. Good night, wish me luck to get through this ridiculous place I must call home for right now. Uugh! -as Nepoleon Dynamite would say.

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