Monday, June 28, 2010


Home, such a small word with a huge definition. A dwelling place, habitation, shelter, point where you reside, residence, refuge, destination, goal, a person's native country, a principal base of operations, the place in which one's domestic affections are centered, house, apartment, family, household, and we've all heard that old familiar term: "home is where the heart is." This weekend I had the opportunity to visit some of my family, my father's twin brother and his wife. I explained my excitement through a post on my facebook page that read: "I LOVE family, so comforting and reassuring to rest within such a safe" All I wanted was to feel loved and not seen as a hindrance or some sort of nuisance, where I could be entirely real, completely raw and just me. To be perceived as someone that belongs, remembering where I had come from, where my roots were and how I was established. Home is the original location where you are accepted no matter the cost of what you've done or have become. It's where you can settle and exist without judgement or fear. It really has no set ground, it simply could be a person that makes you feel at home.
Maybe at times, we as individuals appear nostalgic or come across as fungible? We don't always explore our value and that is an easy way to lose sight of home. I realized I needed to surround myself with home. Getting back to the basics and embracing an atmosphere of reassurance, confidence, and a dwelling where I can aspire to When we are home, we are allowed to comprehend and visualize the truth. Occasionally, we get tangled up in the negative, the past, the pain, the lies that surround us when we lose sight of home. Yet, all we have to do is make one phone call or reserve one flight(or shoot, just do what I did - hop in your car and take off) and we can be right back at home. Home gives us the ambition to live and live wholeheartedly. Home is not here on earth, its our destination.

1 comment:

  1. Home is something I am striving to feel...thank you for putting it so beautifully!
