Monday, May 22, 2017

Joy Ladybug

This weekend I was a vendor (selling my The Little Yogi books) at a yoga festival in Surf City, NC. Roots of Love yoga festival was an inspiring event raising money for a shelter being built for women in recovery/sobriety. The other vendors and everyone that came by was a beautiful and holy encounter. My youngest was with me and it was amazing having her beside me. As I shared the premises of the Little Yogi series for anyone that approached the table, people found them either intriguing or kept moving right along, yet 2 encounters left me pondering after the fact. 
Aftermath 1: I would mention to everyone how there would be 30 books total, 28 in the making to go alongside the 2 that were available for purchase that day. Some believed that was a bit ambitious, and others would reply "hmmm, ok", but one lady said: "no, you need to make more than that! You HAVE to make than 30." She said it with such sincerity and authority, I never heard anyone challenge me that way before. Who knows, maybe The Little Yogi will reflect its final page where it says "The End, or is it?"
Aftermath 2: As one kind lady asked me how I came up with the idea of The Little Yogi books, then asked me why did I choose a Ladybug for the first book 'Just My Luck'. I thought about it for a second and mentioned how ladybugs have showed up in almost every situation in my life over the past 20 years. The very first time I remember seeing a Ladybug that impacted my life was on a reconciliation walk to Indian reservations throughout the states with a mission organization I was with at the time. The group I was with was having a worship jam session at a campsite we were staying at. As I sang ,I looked down and noticed a red Ladybug climbing up a leaf of grass. When she reached the top her front legs waved towards the heavens as if she was praising God with us. I thought to myself..."wow, even the ladybugs worship God, our King." The scripture that says "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord." in Psalm 150:6 came very real to me that day. From then on ladybugs would show up everywhere from seeing a yellow Ladybug on one of my birthdays in India (on a mission trip) to a black Ladybug with red spots on my wedding dress the day I got married. As I told my new friend that was asking me about the ladybug importance in my life, she said "you should look up its meaning. Perhaps it is your spirit animal/bug". I honestly never thought of that before, yet they have constantly flown into my life. Later on I looked up the Ladybug symbolism and found the following, which baffled me because it is dead on! I feel like I can officially say I am lady-luck!  

Ladybug Symbolism & Meaning 
With the heart of a child your dreams come true

Spirit says:  All Your Dreams & Desires Are Being Prepared For You

Be  patient with yourself & with your dreams . . . enjoy the journey . . . enjoy the discoveries . . .  celebrate all of magic of the serendipities and synchronicities that are hidden in plain view all around you just waiting for you notice them, this is the proof that yes,  all of your dreams & desires are being prepared for you!    ♥ ~ Presley Love ~
Ladybug Symbolism...  "Ladybug is the perfect symbol for lady-luck.  The Ladybug brings luck and abundance wherever she goes.  When you see the Ladybug make your wish known to her, and when you see her fly away you will know she is off to grant your wish."   If you see a Ladybug and a Chipmunk near each other, magic is in the air... you can be sure that indeed the Universe is conspiring on your behalf in serendipitous ways.
Ladybug Meaning...
Delight, happiness, and playful spirit all share in the meaning of the Ladybug.  Upon appearing in your midst, Ladybug brings an instant sense of pure delight.  Children squeal with excitement when they see a ladybug, and closely inspect it with big open curious eyes particularly when it lands upon them.  The Ladybug represents the childlike nature in everyone... from 2 to 102.
You know it is a sure sign of bringing blessings of abundance when Ladybug frequents your garden.  Whenever you see the Ladybug, she is extending an invitation to find a garden, plant some flowers, and delight in the magic of nature and how things grow from the rich fertile earth...  Ladybug is also a symbol of taking action on your dreams, as with her very presence she hints at planting the seeds of your dreams.   She will bless your dreams as well as your garden, plant your dreams where they will get plenty of sunshine and feed them with praise and just like the flowers in your garden, your dreams will begin sprouting and growing and surprising you in the most delightful ways.
The red shield and big black dots that cover the Ladybugs wings announce to the world that she is proclaiming her unique and playful spirit for all to see, to bring smiles on her way to wherever her heart leads her in the next moment.  Another meaning of the black dots on the Ladybug is to count your blessings, and show your gratitude with grace and style.
The spiritual meaning of the Ladybug is spiritual devotion.  Ladybug will help you discover your true self and what makes you most happy and fulfilled.    For those on a spiritual journey, Ladybug is a sign to take inventory of what fills your heart, Ladybug signals the way to follow your bliss.  
Ladybug symbolism & totem powers 
Good Luck, Blessings, Dreams 
Ladybug spiritual meaning 
Spiritual Devotion, Finding True Happiness
Ladybug animal magic 
Granting Wishes
Ladybug Symbolism... luck, health, believing
The red sheaths with the black dots that cover and protect the wings of the Ladybug, symbolize protecting what is most valuable to you.  With wings you can fly free, free to create the dreams that are meant for you alone to realize and make come true.   
When Ladybug is your Spirit Animal... 
When Ladybug is one of your totem animals you believe in the magic of the Universe, you believe in magic just like a child.  You have experienced it, you have a knowing that cannot be taught in a class or read in a book.  You know the ways of magic and how to conspire with the Universe.  You have an innate understanding of the blending of elements and words ~ bringing forth the manifestation of your desires.  Some might say you are lucky, and indeed you are, but you know it's more than luck... it is the power of believing that is your magic.  
When Ladybug walks with you as your Spirit Animal Guide, you know that inner happiness is the most rewarding of all things beyond measure.  You delight in the small things, and children are drawn to you, you have the heart of a child and have childlike wonder for all things in nature.  You have found your way, the way that is uniquely yours, you have found how to be happy all by yourself without the distractions of unhealthy relationships or work environments.  When you have found your full power, you will spread your wings and bring blessings and hope to others, and your words will be like a magic incantation helping others find their own way.  Do not rush on this path, you will know when the time has come.   
When Ladybug is your power animal you are a healer of hearts, and when the heart is healed one can pursue the dreams that have been dormant, like seeds that have been waiting to be placed in the soil.  
Ladybug symbolism in your dreams or in your midst...
When Ladybug symbolism appears in your dreams, or frequently in your midst through movies, images etc.,  you have been given an invitation to play in a beautiful abundant garden where dreams come true just for the asking.  Use your imagination and see the scene of how it unfolds for you,  Something magnificent deep within is waiting to be born through you, something that brings fulfillment and happiness to your soul.  Ladybug is saying... luck is on your side.... just believe and I will help you. 
Ladybug is also a powerful totem of healing, Ladybug speaks:  "healing energies surround you... release your worries and let healing energies flow".
Ladybug Symbolism ~  have the heart of a child and...  just believe 

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Meditation, not what it's all cracked up to be.....

For years I ran from sitting still, from meditation, from having to sit by myself in silence. I didn't want to sit alone, breathe in and out. I'd rather read a book, drink tea, organize my thoughts, plan my day, or balance my bank acct. Sitting still and letting go, scared the hell out of me and still does. Falling on my face in a sacred place only showed me the worst parts of me, the moments in my life that I NEVER wanted to relive. Being bare, open and scared isn't where we desire to habitat. Running and working out comforted me because it made me feel strong and as if I could escape or at least defend myself if any attackers crossed my path.
This morning I decided to crawl into my closet and sit. As soon as I did, exactly what I thought would happen, happened.....I bawled like baby. You see THIS is the reason why I didn't want to be here! The place where had to embrace the ugliest parts of me. The tears wouldn't stop, the pain surfaced, I felt scared, alone, and trapped in a body that held anger from the past. For about 5 minutes, fear thought it had the best of me, until I heard and felt a loud pop. It was my right hip, the metaphysical occurred. When we experience trauma, so many of us store it in our bodies and it's result....physical suffering. Ever since I was a young child I had knee pain. Throughout the years doctors have told me it was arthritis, bipartite patellas, and other medical conditions. Yet, I knew deep within what it truly was all this time. It was unforgiveness and my ego not allowing me to let go of the anger. I knew healing existed, I understood we could live life as if pain was a choice. You see, if we give ourselves permission to come face to face with the pain, the trauma, the what feels unbearable past....we can learn to let it go as if we are standing underneath a waterfall and being washed, covered in love. My hip adjusted as I uncontrollably wept, I told the little girl, that didn't want to stay at her grandfather's house, "I'm sorry." I wept some more and then noticed I was sitting crossed legged for over 5 minutes. I didn't have to come out and extend my legs or slowly adjust due to pain. My knees were more than fine. You see, I didn't want to meditate, I knew of the pain that was waiting on me there. Not just my knee pain, yet my life's trauma. The connection is real, and I didn't deny it today, I embraced it. As soon as I did, it released. Right now, I'm not angry nor sad, I'm aware. Aware of choosing to love myself by taking time to meditate. Time to weep, time to let go. Meditation is not what its all cracked up to be, its more.