I made a Facebook post commenting on women that post mainly pictures of themselves only in swimsuits, wearing next to nothing or with their makeup perfectly done with filters. Hinting they want attention with these sort of post. I took it down understanding people were taking it personally. My intention was not to appear judgmental. To be honest, I was drinking at the time. A part of me awakened to defining acceptance and judgment. Hence the pictures of their definition. I don’t blame women feeling the need to express themselves so strongly due to the fact that women have been oppressed since the beginning of time. We’ve been silenced, abused, sexualized, raped, removed rights, been told where “our place” is. If those aren’t reasons to get lit over, angered & traumatized....I don’t know what would be. Many men have been taught that women are objects to be looked at, as someone to care for all their basic needs: food, maids, mothers, sex, etc. Not as equals that are smart, strong, and deserving of respect. Some women agree it is better to be seen and not heard. Women tearing down other women for their personal gain or selfish jealousy is another painful to have to watch. This is the exact opposite of acceptance, which brings me back to why I posted my drunken thoughts on social media the day before.
Here it is: when we accept ourselves, we open the way to accept others. We won’t need to feel acceptance from anyone else. We will have the freedom to not take others actions or words personally, nor make assumptions. To look at others as a mirror, a reflection of one's own opinion. Basically, if I’m insecure, I’ll see insecurities. If I’m strong, I’ll see strength, if I’m mad...you get my drift? I could go on and on, but I need to go love on some women right now.